
@Skunky: they are not as animaly, unless you speak spanish. also, for the former, you'd have to think that angels are animals, which if you've seen them eat is pretty accurate.

@$kaycog*5000*: yeah, i find that it always helps to put things in perspective. so the deepest ones can go around 110,900M deep. if it helps, just think of 10,900 1M sticks stacked on top of each other LONG ways. impressive, right?

@Bombear: i can't believe you're this dense. look, man. the sharks are playing you. they want you to think they're cool to swim with. why? because they know you'll be recommending this foolishness to others. they're hip to the get down. they're on here, reading these blogs, posting on the internet, inviting people to

@SkelatorDan: then you need to overcome it, probably by drinking a bucket of ocean water.

@Juaco: i was in a building last week.

@Eauboy: anyone who gets eaten by a land shark is an idiot. land shark defense is taught by everyone, so if you don't know it by the time you've been eaten by one, well, first off you're dead, and secondly you're stupid. but mainly the first one.

@audiophile8706: well, don't swim in cesspools. problem solved.

*gets off toilet immediately*

there's going to be a counter article, right? i'll write it for you if you want.

this is gizmodo's way of saying we don't support those countries in the world cup.

was this really google doing it or one rogue engineer who happened to also enjoy collecting wifi network info?

awesome. he was able to take a picture of the most intense game of fish follow the leader ever.

@monstermax: no. much more dangerous and exciting. tomorrow is the grandkids birthday and you haven't started on the sock/scarf combo that they will only wear at family reunions. there's not enough time! THERE'S NOT ENOUGH TIME!

i will use this phone while drinking mountain dew, eating doritos, and doing such things as free running and high-stakes knitting

@HowIsYourFlat: but this news just got released. kat is on top of things.

@Anonymoose: wow. crazy story and very emotional. thanks for sharing, adam.

@JakeMertz: looks like it's working now. the internet is very kind to anonymoose.

@Blackened: yeah, that's what happened to me. because i wanted to know what happened so bad, i had to make up the story myself, but for some reason the story kept ending with me being eaten alive by a cake shark and that just doesn't seem right.