
@ArseneKarl: cool, thanks for the info. i never had an iphone (just the touch) and i know apple seemed a bit wonky when it came to the camera in years past so i wasn't sure what angle they were taking with this guy. the fact that it was going to be limited to wifi showed me that att had a lot of say in how it would be

@McWeary: is the iphone 4 already out? no. but we had info prior to its release, right? same thing with the evo.

@ArseneKarl: ohhhh....i get it, that's totally why i'm whining.

@Jason Grilo: ....girls on webcams actually talk....?

@Hello Mister Walrus: i always liked david wallace. pretty cool that in real life, he's a finance guy who just acts on the side.

@kobayashimaroon: well, that's it for now. who knows if apple will open up access to 3rd party devs. and the fact that it's only useable with wifi sucks.

yay, this articles earns the "next iphone uncovered" tag and not the "evo has a front facing camera that will actually video call not only other android phones but computers"

but is this true? do "naked" android phones get updates faster than their clothed brethren? the samsung moment took just as long as the hero to get 2.1 on sprint.

aww, so cute. it looks like a father beating his son.

i bet the lunchboxes are where he keeps the faces of his victims. and sandwiches and stuff. ham is overrated anyway. you haven't eaten a sandwich until you've had one with a fine dry aged Jenny face.

hey guys. do you want me to post a video of me making a video call on my EVO? i can put clothes on if i have to, but it's really hot in my office, so please be considerate with your requests.

@Mihos: as long as the other person has an iphone 4, right?

@Michael Reynaga: that's a good question. i wonder if those would be considered "private APIs".

@DrRocks: how many phones will the iphone 4 connect to...?

you know why i can't get engaged with my family? they're not on IM enough, they don't do txting, they aren't hitting up my facebook wall and i can't find their twitter feed.

you've lost all credibility by saying too much food and sex are bad. i can't think of one war that did not end because of eating too much food and having too much sex. i can't think of one worthy invention that was not a direct result of too much of either thing.

@ihaveabu: loose them because they hold on so tight? or loose them like releasing the kraken hounds of tickle death?

@designguybrown: just wait for it. it's still 3 hours away or something.