
I’m happy this finally getting addressed in Canada. Canada has done some pretty terrible things to their First Nations populations, too. It would be great if issue would get addressed in the US, too. A lot of American Indian women experience violence here, too.

“I was just as unaware that Canada had Aboriginals”



I mean, obviously. Whether Deen established his fetishization of rape (or rape fantasy in consensual sex) before or after he entered the porn industry is fairly irrelevant. What is relevant is that regardless of the safety and health policies they espouse, Kink and the studios like it that Deen worked with created an

Falwell’s comments are just a perfect encapsulation of how these idiots think. The racism, of course, but also the action hero fantasy bullshit that they tell themselves.

It’s fucking stupid that the American medical system is so primitive, broken and burdensome that basic chronic medical conditions get you treated as a leper or some shit just for existing.

All the real dangerous animals there and they keep talking about drop bears. D;

Perhaps some day, we will advance far enough as a people where we all see religion as silly and harmful. However, I am not going to hold it against people who are culturally tied to their beliefs and traditions to move towards fair treatment, progress, and perhaps a different interpretation of their scripture. That,

My god. It’s like you people don’t even care if straight guys are masturbating or not.

As an apple shaped gal with killer stems, I would take some cellulite on my thighs to have a more proportional waist.

Totally. “Do This Tonight” has been hugely successful at our house.

Can people stop calling (white) men feminist because they said some nice things about women now? Or are y’all looking for the next great white guy to prop up as a savior to women?

You do realize that even when women are getting paid to do porn, that if they say no and if they say their SAFEWORD, that the scene must come to a SCREECHING HALT? Fucking christ.

Well aren’t you naive and perfect. Please don’t dismiss the feelings of victims. This is not the fucking place #NotAllMen, christ.

From what I understand, there are predatory men who stalk women in the BDSM community because it’s remarkably easy for them to abuse women there and get away with it scot free. The women are never believed. I am so sorry this happened to you. It’s so unfair. I believe you and Stoya.

Will conservatives call him a hero for going after PP or a thug for killing a cop? Can’t wait to see how Fox News spins this one....

It’s a bit surreal that Putin’s fee-fees play a large role in global politics. I mean, granted, the fee-fees of many politicians are their prime motivators, but in this case said fee-fees may decide that the best options for alleviating their woes are explosive and launched at high speeds.

I bought one of the Duets when Crave had their GOP debate sale. It seems like a really fun toy (but sadly I never got to use it with my intended test partner).


I was just chilling, doing a little hunting, when I saw them roll up. I don’t like to pass judgement, but these guys looked weird. They were like a bad semi-Goth band with hipster tendencies for wool and poorly fitting jackets. Ugh, those hats were atrocious too. And they were rolling deep. Women, animals, you name