People cared about acting when they cried about Batfleck.
People cared about acting when they cried about Batfleck.
But we don’t need unions or collective bargaining or wage laws because each individual server can just use the vast power and leverage they hold to stop the managers from doing this sort of thing. Also I have a magic unicorn rabbit that shits skittles.
Yeah, some people don’t like using the phrase “sex-positive” because they think it implies that there is a “sex-negative.” What I mean in this instance is a friendly place, staffed by people who are actually knowledgeable about healthy sexuality, that aims to educate its customers without shaming them.
Since the Pacific Ocean formed? I dunno. This is a tough question to answer.
The problem is that the definition you just posted there isn’t what she meant. Humanism has zero to do with equal gender rights. Feminism promotes the nice easy balance she spoke of. She meant feminism, but she was afraid to say it.
There’s nothing wrong with being a humanist, but saying you are in response to a question of whether you’re a feminist implies that humanism is an alternative belief system about equality of the sexes, when it has nothing to do with gender.
It disappears sexism (real sexism; not “misandry”) as an axis of oppression.
In the poll, you should have a “yes, she’s awful but I wish she was bitchier” option.
You make a good point though, since stock photos of what nuns actually look like would basically just be elderly women in normal clothes.
Hey, this is better than the other options. Too many sexy nun costumes.
Nuns kind of strike me as being the exact opposite of Kim Davis. She’s someone who’s led a fairly complicated life and who decided to be “saved” and to take refuge in fairly extreme views in mid-life. I think a lot of nuns, or at least the sort who tend to be teachers or nurses or social workers, tend to start off…
What does Kim Davis have to do with this? She’s a piece of shit lay person, not a vowed religious nun. And she is most certainly not Catholic.
Can we stop using stock photos of nuns in wimples and habits though? After Vatican II, habits and wimples became totally optional in most convents, and so the majority of nuns don’t wear them anymore.
I’ve met a lot of nuns in my line of work (so skewed to SJW) and none of them were like Kim Davis. They would have all rolled their eyes at her over their third gin and tonic...
She didn’t call her Peach as a nickname though. It’s an old colloquialism as she said, used when trying to ask someone for a favor. There’s a difference: “Would you be awesomesauce and do...” vs. “Hey Sweetie, could you...” Peach replaces Awesomesauce and Sweetie, respectively. I don’t like either personally but…
Thank you for this article!
“Let’s have respect for all life”
I really liked the plot twist when he mentioned respect for all life, but was actually talking about the death penalty. Well-played, papa.
Day reportedly said “don’t call me a saint. I don’t want to be that easily dismissed.”