When someone in a community other than yours says what you are saying or doing makes them uncomfortable, stop. Everybody messes up sometimes. I have messed up. But just listen up and stop.
When someone in a community other than yours says what you are saying or doing makes them uncomfortable, stop. Everybody messes up sometimes. I have messed up. But just listen up and stop.
tl;dr: I stopped talking to my emotionally abusive father when I was 20. He died. I don't regret it.
My dad, who was a spice salesman back in the 70s, said that lemon extract was what the discerning homeless alcoholic shoplifted because it had the highest alcohol content. Lemon extract and a bottle of Coca-cola. The coke would pull most of the lemon oil out of the alcohol so they could pour it off and then they could…
I'm with you. I feel this strong compulsion to eat the sides of his little royal face. I'm told this is normal.
The Conservative media will never be happy. Obama could give everyone in America a puppy and they'd say it was an act of aggression because some people are allergic.
I don't know what a "chunt" or a "div" is, but I assume these things translate to "poopy head."
Of course people will be quick to judge the man because he is a rapper, because he doesn't always follow the rules of spelling, because this statement was delivered in a series of tweets, because his stage name is Q-Tip etc. They will look past all the content, without even addressing it at all, and look at the…
My birthday is exactly a week before Christmas, and as such, is almost always the day that my office chooses to have their holiday party. This has happened several times over the years with various jobs, and it is generally uncomfortable and has occasionally gotten weird.
The most memorable, however, was several…
Is it a class thing to treat a chef as a cook who makes things the way you want it rather than acknowledging and respecting that chefs probably know more about flavor profiles and that their food might actually taste good even though it's different?
He played bass in a Live cover band.
Everything Bush II has done since leaving office has confirmed two things for me: 1) Bush is a simpleminded guy who only sat in the White House to please his daddy, and 2) Bush is not a bad man; which, considering the things his administration did only solidifies my belief that Dick Cheney is the goddamned devil.
I dunno man - at some point, when you have caused SO much death and destruction, it just doesn't matter that you're a cool dude to drink a beer with. You're still a criminal. And Dubya has never shown any remorse for his actions.
Does he use his vegan superpowers in the film?
"Few sitcoms would have the balls to make their main character racist"
"Few sitcoms would have the balls to deliberately make their main character racist"
Crews putting the patriarchy to bed.
Ohio is just swell. Nothing against your fine state. A lot of natural beauty, livable cities, culture, etc. Your chili, on the other hand, is an abomination. I'm surprised that the greater Cincinnati area has been able to avoid designation as a Superfund site.
Yeah, you can buy a mansion in Akron for the price that someone living by the coasts pays for a one bedroom condo.
Yup. If you say that to your hairstylist do they get to have sex with you? It was said in the context of an art show. srsly. wow.
If you wear a beanie, you deserve to have someone wipe with it.