
I can think of about 1,000 other alternative words to describe lady gaga's music, like:

Dufuq is Beiber doing in the ring?

Thanks captain obvious.

Wow this is a thing! One visit to google images searching: funeral selfies has me feeling bad about humanity, again.

I think an Apple car means, a car crammed full of Apple hardware & software tech that's integrated into any current production vehicle. Maybe it can drive itself, and other coolness, but not a whole car made by Apple.

Got chromecast for xmas and I use the shit out of it everyday with Netflix and HBO Go. There will be a point when I start to kill my Dish TV satellite package, not there yet though.

No that looks very appropriate, the swimsuit is inappropriately on, not off.

How much do pro Lacrosse players make?

What a beautiful, endearing, accurate example of the god complex.

Well I didn't know swatting existed until reading this article. But I never really had a term for pretending to be in need of a swat team or police and sending them to get revenge against someone. Basically you're being a psychopath.

Man that dude has 2 kids, a mortgage, been driving since last year, he might technically be in 6th grade, but probably should be a sophmore in HS already.

Yesss, Gronk-nado season!

Those chicken fingers!

Or get creative with it.

So while reading and multi-tasking I thought this line below referenced "Shark Lingerie"

The dude is 6'7 410, that's all the reason they need.

He's pretty agile & fast for a big guy. Feel kinda bad for those poor bastards that have to play against him. Reminds me of Madden too.