
Skinning a rabbit is like removing a glove if you've a firm grip and forcefull pull.

Make them kill and cook their own children.

It's THIS MOTHERFUCKING TOOL we can blame for the Banksters' impunity to prosecution. He never met a guilty-as-sin financier he wanted to prosecute. BOUGHT AND SOLD, TOTAL SELLOUT to Wall Street.

I find on open moonroof an excellent place to dump one, if the car is badly parked.

Every time I feel my life is sick and disgusting and repellant, all I need is the Internet to prove me an amateur, a beginner, a mere TOURIST.

Anyone besides HANNIBAL BURRESS standing up about Bill Cosby being an unindicted serial rapist?

HAW HAW HAW JELLO RAPE PUDDING. Have a COKE and a smile and shut the fuck up forever, Bill. Your career AND "SEX LIFE" are OVER, Predator.

Colon Bowell: A man so far up his own ass that he cannot remember subborning the UN into war crimes against Iraq at the behest of the Oil Industry's own Cheney-Bush Presidency.

...can SAY they can do it better...

They've been involuntarily STERILIZING Native women for decades, too.

BOY, we treat our First Nations' Citizens inside the USA worse than we treat our disabled Veterans!

MMMM- HMMM!! Daddy LIKE. "Nobody wants to f*ck an ironing board - that ain't no fun, I TRIED ME ONE!" - Francesco Zappa, Renaissance Man

Snotty rich kids rowing boats that cost as much as beginner's cars can go fuck themselves along with POLO and LACROSSE: white elitist bullshit nobody will believe ever existed after TEOTWAWKI.

She shoulda used a straight razor.

Won't accomplish a goddamned thing. TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE, is the motto of both administrations.

WHODA THUNK IT that Imprisonment & Torture of intelligent creatures would become SO UNPOPULAR in America, of all places??!?!?

I'll bet she's WAY into Fisting...

Horrible Lying Slandering BITCH.

The VA has paid over ONE BILLION DOLLARS in wrongful death & malpractice claims over the past twelve years. Maybe someone SHOULD ASK WHY these vets are DYING?