
They make you pay EXTRA for Ebola-Free Semen(TM).

We're not JUST turning your kids into sex fiends - we're turning them into GAY SEX FIENDS that know how to put a condom on (a banana). Sleep well, flat-earth tea-party morons.

I think SHE has promise, but I don't like that MOB that follows her around...

Maybe NOW there'll be justice coming for the racist murderer of Mike Brown.

I offer to babysit. I'm only PARTIALLY mentally unhinged. I can both relate to her condition and anchor her to functionality. HIRE ME!

"I'm as big a TOOL in real life as I am on screen. SERIOUSLY."

Or maybe just WAY TOO MUCH, and he lied about the amount?

LOL. At this and at the fools who haven't figured out that usenet HAS season 5 and all you dummies can download it no matter where you live.

I MAKE DINNER EVERY FUCKING DAY, BITCHES. Drool over me. I know my basil from my cumin!

I hope St.Louis BURNS TO THE GROUND after the shitheels in government announce Darren Wilson will face no charges, state or federal.

ALEC and Diebold already voted FOR him... the election was decided LONG ago by billionaires with millions in dark money and boilerplate legislation. THERE IS NO DEMOCRACY, DUMMIES. It's an OLIGARCHY owned by Plutocrats and YOU ARE NOT ONE OF THE OWNERS OF THIS COUNTRY. Wake the hell up.

Are you sure you don't want to buy some of my patented snake oil for that?

Peelitzer Prizeweeing Urinalism.

Lower Education?

Winna Winna Chicken Dinna

Whatever happened to the treasure of a quiet place where you could make a decision about buying something?

Yeah. He sure looks healthy. Cut him and he bleeds gravy.

Stuck Assley

"It wasn't SO long ago we could have all these filthy peasants FLOGGED for standing so close to us, dear... ah, les jours sucre'."