E6 takes 10-20 years to achieve. HOW MUCH of the military is at that level? 3%??
E6 takes 10-20 years to achieve. HOW MUCH of the military is at that level? 3%??
Just SAYIN': You may wanna ASK some Jews about whether or not they self-identify as NON-white.
Jewish ain't WHITE enough for you, Cracker?
You are clearly deluded and just full of shit.
How dare you, you fucking CUNT?! You're a sick piece of shit.
No, it's more like making hyperbolic metaphors with no logic whatsoever beyond demonstrating that you understand neither slippery-slope nor straw-man logical fallacies.
Funny, but probably true SOMEWHERE, sadly. The Onion comes to life occasionally.
Wow. Thanks. I never knew. I guess it's okay for us vets to go off ourselves, then.
Veterans suicide at 22 per DAY. 28-40/100000 is not even comparable. Innumeracy fail. Logic chain fail.
BETTER often is a moral, emotional decision. SURPRISE! The military can manipulate statistics when those numbers make them look like shit. Oh, wait, I'm not surprised, I WAS THERE.
Yeah, it IS TOO BAD my facts trump blind, stupid, unreasoning PATRIOTISM. I was a patriot ONCE.
Most people are pretty simple and believe what's handed to them UNTIL THEY START THINKING for themselves and stop believing the hype and bullshit.
BETTER than a job where the leading cause of DEATH is NOT COMBAT, but SUICIDE?
Yes I would.