
If Amanda Bynes were a disabled Veteran coping with mental illness, would people make as much fun of her?

He needs to do his 6 months first.

And everywhere you go,

Day's events

*A* bad thing does happen. Or is made to happen.

No, Barrow is a lynchpin for the entire series. NOTHING bad ever happens to him. NOTHING. He MAKES bad stuff happen to others - it's his "raisin debt."

Nope. Not preggers, but Mr. B does eventually find out and ...

Add Dane Cook and I'll fire up IndieGogo.

She looks so scrumptious, I could just EAT HER UP.

Why should she obey US law and the Vienna Conventions when the US won't, spying on every diplomat abroad and even our own Congress here?

HE SHOULD BE wearing the same kind of bikini bottom as his co-covermodels.

Hotter than a Predator-Drone-launched HELLFIRE MISSILE?!

Later that day, he slaughtered the baby's entire family with a Predator Drone.

YES, the Senile Senate confirmed that a rich white woman can defraud the poor and carry on the Class War just as well as any rich white man.


If I was Dana White, the first words out of my PR flack's mouth would be,

Am I no longer an American if I got nothing stuck up my butt in 2013?

You're too late - she's been hospitalized for leaking formaldehyde.