
Cue world’s tiniest violin.

I hate to rain on anyone’s parade but if Boris Johnson (that fat sack of crap) didn’t die from this, Trump won’t either.

or, as she phrases it, “putting your feelings in a container.”

I’m so sorry. It must be pet disease/death month. One of my guys has a very treatment resistant lymphoma and we’ve been given a few weeks at most without chemo. You are not a douchebag. Ultimately you have to make a decision that works for both you and your cat. We decided not to spend thousands of dollars on treatment

Honestly I think most virtual yoga instruction is like this. I’ve taken a few online classes (including paid yoga classes from a local studio) and it’s hard to follow at times either because of bad video/angles or explanation. I gave up trying to do vinyasa because I feel like I’m going to injure myself.  I’ve enjoyed

Thank you

Hey Jezzies. I found out 2 days ago that my 10 y/o kitty has large-cell lymphoma. I have a consult with an oncologist this coming week but I think I already know the outcome. I feel awful. Hug your pets! You never know how much time you have left with them.

YES. Loved that documentary.

Yep. Our country would have been doomed already if Trump was remotely intelligent. The scariest thought is who comes after him. We may get 4-8 years of a Democrat but the next Republican will tear this democracy to shreds.

Also 68% of the entire sample was white and most of the sample (65%) have <4 year post-secondary education. They had to weigh the responses to make the data look representative of the entire country. Garbage in and garbage out as the saying goes with bad data collection.

Nope. It usually comes down to some religious nonsense (abortion, usually) or it’s about money. I’ve met a few white feminists (gen-x) that have voted Republican. When asked the answer is taxes. They want their money to do with as they pleaseIt’s a cynical perspective but that’s it in a nutshell.

I think it’s more they know how shitty women have been treated and are terrified of what will happen to them once the shoe is on the other foot. See also: white supremacists.

I think so. He also never turns off his theater-kid shtick and for that reason is insufferable.

Yeah, if someone needs a conversation to understand these things there isn’t much conversation to be had. It’s just an excuse to keep current systems in place while allowing people to temporarily feel better about themselves. 

He sure sounds like a whiny bitch.

Dudes like him are super basic and will die on the strangest of hills. 

You are correct, no kids for us. I feel like things would have been much worse with kids.  

Anyone else sick of having their partner/spouse always around? That sounds mean and it’s not him. I just no longer get the restorative alone time I used to have pre-COVID when he had a life outside the house. I’m far too introverted to have someone in my house 24/7 without experiencing some resentfulness.

Glad things are looking up for you :)
