
That sucks :(  Hope you feel better soon.

These two should never be allowed to practice medicine again.

Learning about CEN and its impacts really helped put things in perspective for me.

Fellow lady INTJ here. Most people are vapid.  I’ll echo the advise of others here and say get involved (to the extent possible) with groups that share your interests/hobbies. I’ve been fortunate to find at least 1 female colleague that I become close with at work but depending on your industry that may not be

This exactly. Having a kid is the “easy” part. Being financially and physically/emotionally prepared for that child should be the real concern.  Too many people have kids when they really shouldn’t.

Eh, it’s Kentucky. Not sure what you expected. It’s really heartening that Booker did as well as he did but, you know, it’s Kentucky. The same state that keeps inflicting Moscow Mitch on the rest of us.  

By-product of needing to basically emulate the attitudes of white male superiors for a snowballs chance in hell of promotion for decades. It’s like a cycle of abuse that keeps getting passed down. I’m hoping that radically changes as more millennial and younger gens move upward. I’ve experienced this nonsense policing

This is the correct take. I’ve changed my mind on trans and other issues a lot over the years. Being dismissed as a TERF would not have aided my evolution on that subject.

Oh just wait until they effectively overturn Roe v Wade

THIS. I’ve only had to deal with local for dental surgeries and it’s hell. General is a much better experience: no smells, anxiety, noise, etc. I know that isn’t the case for all patients but I’ll take general anesthesia over local every time.

Typical frat boy phoning it in.

Thanks for the input! I’m glad I’m not the only crazy person doing this right now :) Fortunately we have a realtor that we trust and she’ll ensure protocol is followed. We are going to try to sell via video tour and limit walk-throughs to only serious buyers. I’m super bummed about the community cats but they have

The nearest group that works with ferals is quite some distance away. I think it would have to be a neighbor.

Thanks, this is super helpful! We will definitely require masks. We are also in a desirable enough area that we may be able to sell without a walk-through. I would never buy without seeing a place but apparently people do. The SiP made it very clear to us that we need more space/privacy.

Hello all! Anyone gone through buying and selling a house in these COVID times? We would like to move ASAP. Basically we’ve outgrown our current home and we live across from an asshole that’s made living here less than enjoyable at times. We want a fresh start elsewhere. What precautions did you take? I really don’t

I bet this tactic would also work on Trump.

The man card is very fragile and requires constant validation or it expires.

These are the same chucklefucks that screamed DEATH PANELS at the top of their lungs when ACA was in the works. They only “care” about the vulnerable when it’s a means to an ends.

Nextdoor seems to mainly be an outlet for bored, entitled old folks to broadcast their bored, entitled old folksness to a larger audience than they would reach screaming paranoid nonsense from their porches. That and to help find lost cats. The cat rescue part is its only saving grace.

Yeah, I’ve been told by doctors that quarantine doesn’t end for me even when the “healthy” people go back to business as usual. Unfortunately I live with someone that will inevitably bring this thing into my home due to his own lax behavior.