
This times a million. Same problem with other women’s health procedures (colpos, etc)Taking an Advil is fucking useless.

That’s hilarious. 

I’ll pass. He’s going to have a much harder time this round. No way he avoids looking like an entitled old white man against the diversity in this new group of challengers. He should have mentored a younger candidate he supports instead.

He’s gonna lose like he did before. Last time Old Man Bern’s only real competition was a Clinton with all the baggage that entails. This new group is younger (excluding Warren) and more interesting. I’m grateful he pushed the Dems further to the left but now is the time to step the fuck back and let a younger

Ugh, that’s awful :( I had a female gyn pull the same shit. She lost my business as well.

My gyn has finally agreed to give me Xanax if I ever need a colpo again. She finally understood that I am legit traumatized by prior procedures. Hopefully you’ll never need one again, but if you do insist on better meds. It’s stupid that we have to been our own advocates for these things...

This does not surprise me in the slightest given what little pain mangement is offered to women receiving GYN procedures like colposcopies. They tell you to just take a few ibuprofen before the procedure and it does absolutely nothing for the pain of cervical biopsies. I can only imagine the outcry if men had to

Leggings and tunics/sweaters are my jam. When I have to go into an office, I’ll wear either a simple dress with a cardigan or a nice top with comfy but professional slacks. Fuck any advice saying “don’t wear X after a certain age”.  Wear whatever makes you happy.

Let me guess, they also feel the need to say they don’t abuse women and are Nice Guys(TM).

That’s super frustrating.  Sounds like you need to have an open, honest discussion about needs/expectations that he doesn’t want to have.  My (admittedly a bit immature) solution would be to just stop doing shit for him. He’ll get the message when his clothes haven’t moved from the same spot in days or the kitchen is

This was an amazing read. Thank you so much for sharing!

For starters:

Can we not with the old politicians? Boomers are no longer the largest demographic and need to step aside. That being said, I’d vote for her over Beto who is owned by the damn oil industry.

I hope that urologist is also making vasectomy referrals because none of the dudes on that site should be reproducing.

OMG the shitting unicorns advertisement is hilarious! Thank you for bringing this weird as fuck thing into my life.

I don’t think she is necessarily saying it’s women’s “fault”.  Times have changed and women don’t need to endure shitty marriages to survive anymore (thankfully). She has mentioned elsewhere that a modern pitfall is expecting the other person to be all things to us. It’s a lot of pressure that few marriages can stand

I wouldn’t do any of that shit unless it is clearly written into my job description and I’m being paid to do it. If you can’t put this work on your resume don’t do it. If management is too cheap to hire then they’ll have to do without birthday parties and other niceties.

Seriously, it doesn’t even need to be a real potted plant, artificial also gets my vote.

This right here. I have hard boundaries around certain domestic tasks and I don’t deviate (ex: I will never do his laundry for him nor do I want him trying to do mine). Being willing to let stuff go to hell for a while also worked. I went on a cleaning boycott which resulted in him hiring a regular cleaner to take the

I hope this version makes Christian less of a whiny bitch.