
I hate ICE as much as the next poster here. What’s next? Harassing HHS or HUD civil servants? Where’s the line? I don’t see one in any of this rhetoric and that’s terrifying. We are barreling towards something that will quickly get out of control. If you want to rally Trump’s base and lose elections then job well done.

I’m all for making high-level admins’ (heads of Departments, elected officials, WH staff) lives uncomfortable. It’s all well deserved. But there needs to be a clear distinction between administration officials and civil servants who were there long before the current asshat in chief and will be there long after. This

True, but have you seen what those little bastards can do to your furniture?

Racism isn’t a side effect of Ambien.

I’ve been sitting back enjoying the shit-show that is the hypocrisy of my libertarian-leaning FB friends’ outrage over this. You mean, a privately owned company motivated predominately by money sacked an employee that was tarnishing their brand? Oh my, the vapors!

I think the core issue is women and POCs are always the ones being asked to compromise. There is a long history of being told to wait our turn with little to show for it. I won’t support someone that may use my bodily autonomy as a bargaining chip. How difficult is it for a politician in any region to simply say:

Thank you! Women have enough shit on their plates. Men need to teach other men to identify and appropriately manage negative emotions. Men need to call other men out and not shrug it off when they express hateful, violent, or just plain asinine garbage.  Patriarchy hurts men too and this one is their battle.

Thanks for bringing this up! I really enjoy evolutionary biology which is actually based on science. Evolutionary psychology is a whole other discipline that uses lazy methods to make sweeping generalizations that are often used to “justify” sexism and racism. Many of those studies can easily be debunked.

Any time someone uses evolutionary psychology as the crux of their argument you know they are full of bullshit. This guy is an imbecile.

Agreed, although, most men get to blissfully have sex without knowing they have HPV until their female partner has issues (and tells them about it). Most dudes (pre-Gardasil development, and let’s face it, even post) don’t seem to even know what it is due to this blindspot. But HIV, FFS. Everyone freaking knows what

THIS. I try to see female doctors when possible and will never see a male gynecologist.

It’s not a decision to take lightly. You do whatever works for you. You aren’t a “bad feminist” either way. I’m planning to keep mine because 1) easier to spell, 2) I prefer my own name, and 3) career implications (particularly already published work).

Agreed, and they proudly bring it up like they deserve a f-ing medal for doing the absolute bare minimum.

At least the ridiculous DARE PSAs supposedly depicting the dangers of “tripping” were amusing. This is just boring AF.

Ah, yes, the harmless psychological fun of torture... *smacks head against wall*

Even more depressing: it look a man calling attention to it (dozens of women alone wasn’t enough apparently). *Sigh*

I imagine it will be a statue of a man smugly shaming a woman for making a delicate decision about her body that he has no business even having an opinion on...

This comment 100%.

So sorry and I can totally relate. My father pulled that same shit whenever I had a mental health episode in my teens. Dude has major unresolved issues but I guess denial is bliss...

You beat me to the BoJack reference :) This episode was my first thought when we found out the shooter was a lady.