Tesla does. It's included in the price of all 85kWh Teslas. It's a $2,000 option in the 60kWh models. That sounds stiff, but it's equivalent to only about 20K miles worth of gas in an ICE if my on-the-fly maths are correct. Your mileage may vary.
QUOTE | "Minecraft was the reboot of the graphics arms race - it literally reset projects." - Veteran designer Brenda Romero, talking about why gameplay matters and why game developers need to feel they are making something great.
Seems like a mature and logical response to the shit she's been putting up with for the past few months. It's a shame it's come to this, but it's her call to make and I'm sure the whole Jace Connors incident didn't help her feel safe being out in public at the moment.
Uhh...reread the descriptions on the USB drives. They're only 2.0, and merely 3.0 compatible. Bummer. They claim to offer up to four times usb 2.0 connection speed, but only on a 3.0 connection. Sneaky and wrong. And 4x is really slow anyhow.
Uhh...reread the descriptions on the USB drives. They're only 2.0, and merely 3.0 compatible. Bummer. They claim to…
PS1 games are pretty weak, but I've only tried on a model B. The B+ might handle a bit better, but its too laggy as i've experience. But there is definitely a sweet OS based on Debian/Raspbian called "RetroPie"that's a ready-to-flash image of EMULATION-STATION that is made for the Pi. You just plug it in, plug in a…
PS1 games are pretty weak, but I've only tried on a model B. The B+ might handle a bit better, but its too laggy as…
An anniversary repaint otherwise described as: "This Is Why It's Normally Black, Else You'd Notice How Ugly It Is."
Just an FYI, monoprice is not a Sony Authorized Dealer. What does this mean? It means Sony will only honor the warranty if purchase from the in-network of Authorized Dealers.
Just an FYI, monoprice is not a Sony Authorized Dealer. What does this mean? It means Sony will only honor the…
Not even worth it. For about $10 more you could just get a bundle with one or two games tossed in.
Not even worth it. For about $10 more you could just get a bundle with one or two games tossed in.
Come on Kotaku....another disengenous article leaving details out about the Xbox One?
I wish this had an FM tuner. Bluetooth is not a reliable way to wake up and I hate the buzzer on every alarm clock. I went to Best Buy's site to take a look at it.... my god is it HUGE! This thing looks like its bigger than the old iHome I have sitting on my night stand.
I wish this had an FM tuner. Bluetooth is not a reliable way to wake up and I hate the buzzer on every alarm clock.…
.... So play The Evil Within before diving in to this one?
How about Bastion?
Sword & Sworcery on this list is the best of them. Got the game in a quick promo for $1.99 on iPad and it's a huge enemy between your bed time and fall sleep to work next day.
May i suggest a Honorable mentions section to keep track of past top games which are obvs still worth getting
I'm sure if Sea Shephard wanted to blow up ships they would have by now. It's not like they don't have enough resources. I mean, how hard would it be to build a simple point and shoot torpedo based? Or even have divers place a bomb by hand. These are all things that fairly easily COULD happen, but haven't. The fact…
The conclusions here seem misguided. The tone of the article implies that sound quality is suffering due to tech advancement...but it sounds more like sound quality has remained about the same, but we are now getting a lot more bang for the buck. This is particularly true when you consider that $300 in 1981 (30 years…