all of a sudden this video makes sense !
all of a sudden this video makes sense !
I am an old person, and this is a “dickey.” My schoolteacher aunt had them in all colors because she always wore jackets to work, and would not show an inch of chest skin, but frequently had hot flashes so she could not wear a full shirt.
I’d, perhaps, argue that there’s no such thing as the “wrong reasons” when you show up. Which is a lesson the left needs to learn about when to encourage individualism and when ego needs to step the fuck back in favor of unified action.
Gaaaaah! So frustrating to see trolls ungreyed while nice people languish.
Federal funds should pay for abortions. Abortion is healthcare.
Reading the new health care bill right now. Here is something right off the bat in the first few pages:
Feel free to use your “dismiss” button on the troll.
You know what’s infuriating about this? It’s not on CNN, I’m not seeing it yet on twitter, on Facebook. I’m sure it’ll catch up, but this just is. Not. Important. to the average American. At least, not until their girlfriend/daughter/self finds themselves knocked up. The only moral abortion is my abortion? Even worse,…
I agree. Especially since “pro life” seems to actually mean “pro life until you’re born, then you’re on your own, kid”.
I just auto-respond now with “abortion is a legal procedure which should be safe, accessible, and affordable to women who need it. banning abortion won’t stop it from happening, so why not educate everyone about reproductive health and their choices without being so ashamed of humans being sexual beings?”
I said something similar last week in a comment of an anti-choice story. I hope it continues as it is the more accurate name.
Seconded. It’s never sat well with me that news articles almost always use anti-choicers’ preferred euphemism when describing them.
Every day, a new nightmare.