I am completely and utterly amused that they’re bothered by her calling Ivanka a cunt but not by this: “Put on something tight and low-cut and tell your father to fuckin’ stop it.”
I am completely and utterly amused that they’re bothered by her calling Ivanka a cunt but not by this: “Put on something tight and low-cut and tell your father to fuckin’ stop it.”
As Roy Moore and the Duggars have shown, the right isn’t particularly bothered by incest or pedophilia.
Okay. Two things:
Why do I read that and think she left her phone and the same guy who pretends to be Trump on the Android phone wrote this.
Yeah, I don’t doubt his ability to be happy in a relationship. It’s his significant other who is likely to bear the brunt of his illness. My mom would say she is happy in all of her relationships but she is manipulative, cruel, unstable, and emotionally abusive and also steadfast in her conviction that everyone else…
Except that BPD often comes with abusive behavior. It’s very different from, say, depression or anxiety. It’s not a chemical imbalance. It’s who they are. It makes them hurt people, emotionally & physically. It’s fine to be sympathetic, because it’s an awful existence, but it’s also important to validate that…
He is right but I believe what her fans were saying is that dating a guy whose BPD isn’t cured yet will cause HER unhappiness. Its her they are concerned for. BPD is heavily stigmatised precisely because those who have it seem like the most loving and vulnerable guys until abandonment fears (real or imagined) kick in.…
So many Boomers are just SO. OUT. OF. TOUCH. They truly have no idea how little they had to pay for their educations, homes, and basic necessities and how much they benefit from pensions, retirement programs, Medicare, and Social Security. Later generations have had none of their advantages, and the Boomers in…
I went to a funeral for a family friend yesterday, and while talking to my parents and several other family friends, we somehow got onto the topic of daycare. (I think someone asked if my husband and I were thinking about having another kid, and I said we couldn’t afford it.) When I told them how much we pay for day…
It’s revealing that such self-reflection never results in the conclusion that men who have spent careers harassing and bullying should not return to those careers.
Five years of prison sounds insane for a non-violent, unintentional crime, even if she had a prior conviction.
Watching Candid Camera try to prank him back in the day convinced me that he lived what he taught:
My dad was his paperboy for awhile when he was a kid. And yes, I’m so glad that apparently he was as great in real life as he seems. He learned my dad’s birthday (which, to be honest, even I forget all the time) and would tip extra on his birthdays and the holidays, as well as make friendly conversation when they ran…
God yes. He was an incredible man and has left a deserved legacy. I knew several people who had worked with him (including my hs drama teacher who was occasionally prince Tuesday). He was on the founding board of the school I taught in. Everyone has amazing stories about what a great person he was on and off screen.…
The Fraser story of having a man grope him is so specific, and told with such squirming discomfort and embarrassment, that it’s kind of hard not to believe. It seems to have had a profound effect on someone who was feeling vulnerable, and that’s a hallmark of assault - the kind we have long expected women to just…