
Never saw anything but paint. I have to work really hard to even figure out how it looks like oil.

I don’t see anything shiny. Just paint on the legs.

It’s been said before but I’ll go ahead and reiterate: if you want to be skinnier, eat less and work out more. Even better, stop eating crap.

Samantha Bee has been a bright spot in what has been a horror show of an election.

I still don’t get why people hated her for that acceptance speech. It wasn’t any more maudlin than other Oscar speeches I’ve heard.

she didn’t deserve any of the hate she got. we made fun of her for being thirsty for an oscar when everyone in the industry is. why did she get singled out?

You did the right thing for y’all. I’m so sorry for your loss.

Actually, I hear this nonsense espoused by “pro-life”/forced-birthers all the time. They legitimately believe that abortions are carried out right up to the minute before labor begins on a full-term baby. Whether he really believes it or not, well, he probably doesn’t even know what he believes about anything. He

On va enculer ce mec avec une tronçonneuse rouillé?

He clearly doesn’t understand this because he’s a moron.

My wife and I recently lost our twin boys, Anton and Colin, at 20 weeks gestation. They were handsome, they were healthy, but my wife had an unforeseen and undiagnosed incompetent cervix despite being on bedrest for most of the 20 weeks, and we were advised that we need to deliver or we would lose three lives instead

he is such an immature cluless idiot

I just love that daffy but pickled dame.

My mom, who is a few years younger than Cher, is also obsessed with emojis. At least I usually know what my mom is trying to convey. But Cher pretty much gets a pass on anything and everything from me for Moonstruck alone.

Now playing

I love ‘Cher’ and Cher. Also Cher Horowitz, but that’s for another time.

Well many of the Jezzies were right in their speculation of what went down on the plane. I have to disagree that that

Hi, asking because I really don’t know-why is she a terrible person?

I wish it were outdated. I’m in my 20's and a white dude in his 20's asked me if I was a mulatto last year. I am, and I was unamused by his asking. The word really irks me out because in order to know it/use it in this day and age you have to know that it’s a fucked up thing to call someone.