
Perhaps she and the Twerp studied anatomy together?

Short pants with knee socks is a fucking adorable outfit for a little boy, and I will fight anyone who disagrees.

The front white panel of Khloe’s dress really made me do a double take.

No one’s as irrationally confident in their looks as fat white dudes. Like, they’re always the loudest critics of other people’s looks, particularly women’s.

My son is a strong advocate for chicken nuggets and chocolate milk. He recommends it to everyone.


That’s pretty amazing coming from a guy who had a very public, very nasty divorce due to adultery while he was mayor of New York City. The gall of these men...

And on the day of the debate, the Wall Street Journal published the assessment of Bush’s press secretary, Peter Teeley, who suggested that Ferraro came across as “too bitchy” and “She’s very arrogant. Humility isn’t one of her strong points, and I think that comes through.”

Am I the only one just completely over Jared Leto? I mean.... he’s become insufferable.

je suis fucking him on the side.

So she’s not saying she didn’t sleep with him.

He really needs to just stop talking. Why, Hugh, why? I still so much good will for you despite ample evidence of you being a cad. Why must you do this?

Goddamn I’m gonna miss her.

Oh so that’s what happened when they left the attic.

#NeverForget their amazingly hideous matching hairdos that made them look like twins from Village of the Damned.

I thought he entered that period ten years ago??

He cheated on his wife with someone he was in a movie with...

This is why they keep covering it.

True... But I thought that about mine. The end of our marriage came out of the blue... but once I stepped outside of it, we were fucked up for awhile. I genuinely didn’t see it though until it was over and I got some space. :-\

No. Because that woman doesn’t get divorced.