
is there a point to your little story or did you just have a lonely moment and felt the need to share

why would you interview this woman without addressing her utterly irresponsible and possibly deadly decisions not to vaccinate her kids and then speak out about it

Apparently we're so invested in defending Johnny Depp we don't even see fit to mention is racism or his defending a child rapist. Huh.

plot twist: Riku Ruohomaki is Sandy Frank

Don't be ridiculous. They'll never make a black Dr. Who!

Watch out for tarantulas!

this is breaking bad though

AV Club gimmick commenter in 3..2..1…

Dammit, beat me.

I'm sure she noticed exactly how squirrely he was acting, she just decided at this point that she'd rather not deal with it.

We need to get him a pair of inkblot panties.

Which was really a hint as to who Walter really was even then. He's always been a self-serving asshole.

I'm putting money on Walt with a very cold hand, myself.

New from Troma Films!

I think a lot of people want to differentiate themselves from the rabid Walt fans/Skyler haters.


Spoilers for Homeland below.

Someone needs to tell Jed Bartlet about that place.

60000 less raping, woman-beating assholes in the world? Yeah I'm okay with it. And lol like the police would do shit except ask her for a freebie as blackmail for not arresting her

My favorite line is when he finds the briefcase and say "One less fucking thing I gotta worry about" like he just found his missing car keys. A great, subtle way to show how inured he was to that way of life.