
Being physically abusive and forcing women into sex is more than enough reason to kill someone.

Oh yeah, the movie where the only woman character is blown away in the first ten minutes and nobody even stops to feel bad because she's obviously a blatant plot device

I just can't bring myself to buy the new deluxe version of The Freed Man. I've listened to the original too many times; those tracks are emblazoned in my head in that exact order.

There's also a great one called The Modala Imperative that reunites Spock and McCoy in the TNG era.

Red Five, standing by.


You're a nerd

Do you need to be held?

Socks bringing their A-game in this thread.

Hot August Night, then The Wall, then Daydream Nation, then Sebadoh's III.

I never understood what the appeal of reel-to-reel players was supposed to be.

False equivalence for $100 alex

False equivalence for $100 alex



The funny thing is how accurate that was. So many jazz stations just seem to play the same Miles-Coltrane-Blakey-Monk records over and over again in an endless loop. Guys, there's about seventy more years' worth of music out there to pick from.

The funny thing is how accurate that was. So many jazz stations just seem to play the same Miles-Coltrane-Blakey-Monk records over and over again in an endless loop. Guys, there's about seventy more years' worth of music out there to pick from.

