
"Are they suggesting teenage girls marry 40 year old successful businessmen or something?"

Never mind that the article reinforces the stereotype of Woman As Property.

I find the implication that you have to be married *with biological offspring* for this magical spell thing to work pretty gross, too. It's not enough to get married, you have to squirt out a kid, too?

It's also pretty offensive against couples that decide not to have children, like a man who doesn't have a child isn't a good person.

A smaller secondary point to the one you raised: I also found this really reductive and insulting to men who are married, have children and are not abusive monsters. The implication that the only reason they're caring and loving spouses and fathers is because of a government contract is pretty gross.

Just noticed I need to correct myself: less likely to be victims of violence. Obviously people of all ages, groups, ethnicities, etc can be affected.

It isn't. But the reason those women aren't victims of violence has a lot more to do with socio economic status than marital status specifically.

Okey doke, I'll just head down to the husband store and pick one up. Because we all have a line of suitors who want to marry, love and protect us from other men.

Am I the only one who's seeing this video as potato quality? I'm sure it's pretty, but it might as well be pac-man for all the detail I can see in the video of how "next-gen" it is. Is no one hosting this at anything above 240p?

I know! They're both good ol' reliable brands! I went all headdesky and "Et tu, Maidenform?" when I read that headline. I mean jeezus, really. And we thought you guys were the Sensible bra brands.

Ummm, if caffeine was such an amazing fat burner, wouldn't all the world's coffee/tea/energy drinkers basically just be "melting" fat away all over themselves? And if that were true, don't you think every coffee place in the world would have figured it out by now and would be advertising coffee as a miracle weight

... and here I just read your sentence as "fat-fighting caffeine pastries" which just added a whole new level.

i fucking HATE, when they pull the camera away from the screen and show you the guy playing, Yeah because what I freaking want to see is some guy playing the game I want to play and the actual gameplay at an angle?

I want to play this in French with subs damn it and WHY THE FUCK DO THEY HAVE ENGLISH ACCENTS !!?

But my vagina hasn't slept in WEEKS! ALL for NAUGHT!

It's been an option in every single AC game. The only display I keep on is the weapons display as sometimes I'll have the wrong thing equipped and not know it.

I guess my super-combined charcoal fart-absorbing/caffeine enhanced cellulite-absorbing panties will never make further in development, huh?

so just turn off the HUD? That's how I play and it becomes far more immersive.

Would you say it's *sunglasses* revolution-ary?

I was incensed when I went into a Duane Reade for earplugs and saw "earplugs for women", which were bright pink, and had two less pairs in the box FOR THE SAME PRICE. I am going to send them a strongly worded email. Or something. But it really did piss me off, on 2 levels: Ears are gendered now??? And the gall