
In fact most in the UK now support Remain. But don’t let facts get in the way of our abject ignorance.

Do you think you’re hidden online? You’re not.

Do you people really not know that the WFP claims are fabricated nonsense? So looking forward to you being publicly embarrassed in the next few weeks. :)

He’s a Libertarian who has publicly admitted that he wants to cut social security and medicare.  Wake up!

Have you always been a winger fantasist, pretending to be a Democrat? We shall find out.

Er actually yes they do and will even more so when some information is outed showing that WFP have been lying through their teeth. But we do look forward to you fake Dems and Hillary Bot wingers being embarrassed. :)

“you can’t deny there’s not a significant subset of his support that is simply toxic.” Anyone with a clue can, but then you also backed Russiagate and US instigated regime change, so you have zero credibility.

If you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you. Also, you and all of the other Hillary bots here are going to be so embarrassed when we out information that shows what a complete crock the story was and why WFP are lying to cover their asses. We look forward to you being embarrassed. :)

Why do you keep repeating the myth of the Bernie bro? Sanders enjoys the highest support, of any candidate, from women of color.

So good to see these images. Thank you Jack.

Except that it doesn’t. Nice try though Hasbra troll.

You missed out a reference to ‘cultural Marxism,’ just to be sure that you make it explicit that it’s the fault of Jews, and to get the shoutouts on GAB from your other neo Nazi buddies. How long have you been this stunningly dumb? I bet you have an interesting record of run ins with the law too, or should have.

Three of them have the same IP address. Draw what conclusions you may from that.

Fk off Tomato. By the way, you should start learning your lesson. You are not hidden online. You can be tracked. You can be outed.

Both have very bad health and one of them won’t be around more than a year most likely. That’s the upside. It would be interesting if their medical records, alongside some of the very very dodgy deals they’ve both been involved with, were to come out, say in around four months time.

The idea of targeted ads is largely a myth, alongside SEO. It’s more a scattergun approach, which corporations try to dress up as being more intelligent than it is. For example, car makers are now upping the number of ads they put out, across all media, even as less people are buying new cars. Essentially, the

It’s Tomato again.

Tell me you’re really not this stunningly dumb?

Except of course that it isn’t. You weren’t on a plane and you know it. :)

Good. Another corporate bootlicker down.