
Nobody cares about a game that will likely not even materialize, let alone in over a year’s time, except for the gullible.

Of course the Nazis will whine. A hit dog will holler.

When POC arm themselves, they are designated as terrorists. When fascists arm themselves and go on to murder people, they are designated patriots.

“Trump and GOP are frothing at the mouth at “liberals”, “Dems”, “Muslims”, “immigrants” etc, but that’s just talk.” Tell that to the political dissidents, immigrants and Muslims who are routinely harassed and rounded up in the US. The day you speak of arrived long before Trump. 

Track down wingers, offline and online. Out them. Have them publicly humiliated. Get them fired and dehomed. This kumbaya shit is why Trump is now in the White House.

What part of Corbyn admitting he wants Brexit, has to be explained to you with flashcards exactly? Try and keep up.

If you are still using apple products, stop.

This POS has a name and will be outed.

Nice :)

Nice :)

Go back to sleep and stop embarrassing yourself.

Have you been asleep for the last twenty years? Or are you genuinely this stunningly politically illiterate and out of touch?

1995 called. It’s time to wake up now.

You mean if Pelosi actually represented most Democrats, instead of corporations? What an insane idea.

I have a bridge to sell you. Have you been asleep for the last two decades?

She doesn’t have to do anything of the sort. She went along with a clearly political move, just as she did on Scottish independence. She could have asked Boris to take it back to Parliament. She’s a parasite.

She acted politically, which she is not supposed to do. She’s in deep shit, despite the denial of most UK mainstream media.

Bollocks it did. Around a third of the country voted, many were excluded and leave had a tiny majority of those who did. Most in the UK are now pro remain, not leave.

You mean Pelosi will appear to do something, while trying to appease her corporate owners.

Corbyn is a Brexiter. He’s made that clear, in public, at the Labour Party conference. Just in case anyone was left in any doubt.