
Of course Trump hates anything that resembles real Democratic representation. Then again, so does the DNC.

In fact she’s tied by an agreement she has to not leave and to not divorce the orange idiot until a few years after he leaves the White House. She hates Trump. Then again, she’s still sold her soul.

Thank you for exposing the troll.

Hmmm, do we need to take a much closer look at your various fake accounts?

I get that you’re all about gender and race but have you heard of this new fangled thing, for which the technical term is ‘policies?’

No. That’s how the US ended up with Trump. Wake up!

Why would you support a not very bright Libertarian, pretending to be a Democrat, who wants to gut social security and medicare?

Is this a parody account, or are you genuinely this stunningly superficial and politically and historically illiterate?

You like, ‘nothing will change, I’ll copy my climate change policy from someone else and not even know what’s in it,’ and ‘hey folks, my health care plan is great. There are only $1000 copays and everyone can afford that,’ to real policies? What exactly are you on, so that we can all avoid it?

Fuck the rich. Feed the real vultures, not the ones crapping all over average Americans.

You think that Russiagate was actually real? Still? How sad and embarrassing.

Yes, some of us actually do. That’s why we do laugh at the know nothings who think he went bonkers but can’t point out a single thing he’s been wrong on. Funny how that works. When are you Clintonbot know nothing’s going to finally learn? This isn’t the 90's. You live in a country that has gulags, death squads and

Good riddance to this disgusting shambles of a man. Hopefully his brother will join him within a few months.


You’re not very bright are you?

Too little. Way too late.

Because the people moderating this site are trying to make it into another Raw Sewage.

Be careful with that idea. It is actually a plan that the DNC still thinks is secret.

We admire your optimism but since Harris has no real history of having done the right thing, why think that she will once Wall St issues her instructions if she wins the nomination, or the White House. The latter of course won’t happen as Trump will win if she’s nominated, but it would be interesting to understand why

Harris is likely to ‘win’ the nomination though. She was promised just that at a party in the Hamptons last summer.