
But every other one of the 36 countries ranked ahead of the US has ‘Homogenized’ (white) populations. They don’t of course and would be irrelevant even if they did, but fascist, racist America must be allowed to continue to put out the message that having more than a few people of color means that a country is a

Where exactly do you get that idea from? Harris has no integrity and has been a kapo in the past. Do you really think she’d change once Wall St. gives her her instructions? If so, on what basis precisely?

If Harris wins the nomination (actually that’s an in joke as it was already decided at a party in the Hamptons last year), Trump wins. Same with Creepy Uncle Joe. Great strategy the republicans pretending to be democrats have there. It’s sure to win, just as it did in 2016.

You mean the candidate who has more support from women and women of color than any other? Do keep making yourself look politically illiterate. Oh and how’s Neera (I take bribes from the Koch Brothers) Tanden these days?

“Acting like Biden and Harris are interchangeable on this issue is intellectually dishonest and you know it.” Er except that both plans are ridiculous and do nothing to actually improve healthcare. They were invented to keep the gullible fooled, such as you, while the for profit deathcare industry keeps on squeezing

“As long as those who want to have M4A can get it, and can choose if they want to go the public or private insurance route.” Oh dear you haven’t even read what M4A involves and how it works have you? Did you remember to pay your fire insurance by the way, you know, in case there’s a fire, or else the local fire

1995 called. They didn’t realize they’d left you behind.

It wins nothing and you know it. It’s going to take a lot more than a boring, irrelevant tweet from Shillary to stop the idiot in the White House. But then the DNC get more money from keeping him in office, than from actually winning a general election.

You’re not on a plane. But we do know where you are.

Which is far less than the percentage of Hillary supporters who voted for McCain/Palin.  Enough of this nonsense already. This isn’t Raw Sewage yet.

Fox doesn’t give a shit about the advertisers, many of whom will be back soon anyway. Their business is propaganda.

Ignoring the Nazis worked really well. Oh wait...

You need to learn something about real Country then, Dwight Yoakam, Gary Allan, The Mavericks. Else you’ll end up as musically illiterate as those behind the CMA awards.

Nazi Barbi should stick to bad pron.

Quite right, Biden is far more retarded and thinks that it’s still 1995.

Why are you so embarrassingly ignorant about healthcare in Canada? Talking to actual Canadians, not the fantasy ones you invent, or even a few minutes on YouTube watching and listening to actual Canadians, would show you just how laughably wrong you are.

Pelosi is paid to lose, not to win.

We hope to see you on YouTube Libby. You have an important voice to many more than you might realize.

Oh do fuck off. You’re just embarrassing yourself now.

Back under your rock troll. You’re done here.