
When my nephew was younger (and right when the Prequel films had come out) we played a lot of Star Wars. I had to pick a name when we had our lightsaber duels and (since I was the bad guy) went with Darth Mayhem. I tried hard to find a name that was malicious-sounding and wasn’t an actual word was was close to being

And lots of returns to home planets.

....which actually works quite well with the DC universe.

A picture is worth a thousand words.

I’m guessing because the target market for this stuff wants to do this:

To this day, I still read Pellaeon wrong in my head, because I was in 5th grade in 1992 when I first saw it and just made it work. I know it’s wrong, but I refuse to change it.  

I’ve done way more word processing then I care to admit. I have never found a word processor that does anything nearly as well as Word. If you need to have complete control over the formatting of your document to submit your thesis (hundreds of footnotes, hundreds of pages, tables of contents and citations that change

I don’t jump out of planes or fly thru swiss alps, but I bought their gopro session. My first go pro ever and I’ve been having fun fooling around and chasing my cats through the house with it strapped to pole. I don’t know about the cheap china cams, but the one thing I was pleasantly surprised about was the gopros

1. Better writing

Hey, io9...

Meanwhile at my job I struggle to hit 7000 steps a day (even walking to and from work)

Have fun not playing a game you’d otherwise enjoy because its devs don’t want it associated with a racist.

Hey. Fuck you too.

I would like to remind everyone that this is not censorship and that Playtonic as a private business has the right to express itself as they see fit. If they do not wish to include voice work by a controversial figure in their video game that is well within their right. Jon’s free speech was not violated in any way

Cover is a bronco rearing at sunset in the foreground while a semitransparent picture of Jason’s face in complete ecstasy is in the background.

Is that the scent Tina Belcher wears?

It was literally correct, though.

The X-Men movie continuity is hopelessly hosed at this point. Whenever I see an X-movie now, I just treat it as a standalone film and don’t worry about how it fits into the franchise.

Welp, nope then!

Short answer: high (think in the spectrum between LA and San Francisco) T_T