
“This put any gripes over CGI anime to rest”

Same, even in Northern California temperatures will be mid-70's throughout October in most years. A carved pumpkin’s life can be measured in hours.

As a recommendation to others in hot areas: last year my partner decided to paint her pumpkin rather than carve it and it lasted until May the next year.

We just kept it

Good old name-calling, the last vestige of the loser with no real argument.

Lash out all you want to try to save face, nobody is fooled.

I agree but that’s the problem with arguing on the internet. If someone is retroactively allowed to change the meaning of their words (“every” = “many”, etc) they become impossible to argue with as they can constantly shift the burden of proof away.

“Ok,” I foolishly think and say, “Destiny 2, Underlords, Teamfight

You said “every”, all I needed to prove you wrong was one you clown. I don’t need to write you a list, one game and you’re wrong.

You chose the wrong word, got called on it, then behaved like a brat, congrats!

It’s not like Dota2 is small, you just ran your mouth trying to sound like an expert.

> And every MOBA/Fighting Game charges for new characters too.

Dota2 has never charged for new characters. Don’t say “every” when you only mean the limited number you know about.

So the studio with no pedigree beyond ports, that couldn’t even punt a competent port out the door of KotOR 2, is having problems with a total remake??

I’m shocked I tell you. Shocked!

...well not that shocked.

Remember: this is the studio that’s doing the KOTOR remake.

I’m scratching my head as to how people have high hopes for it (blind optimism?). This studio can’t even effectively make a functioning port of a game.

If you look at even the most remotely successful open-world game you see the same formula: large expanses of procedurally generated world with smaller hand-designed areas for deeper gameplay.

Yes gameplay can happen when traversing the world (getting crafting materials, etc). But largely the game is going from A to B

> “...every single time one of these things comes up”

Ah, you mean when human issues get in the way of making money? One of those issues?

If we outlawed lobbying and actually got corporate money out of our legal and political system then maybe a company could say, “We have no statement, we just make nails,” and go back

I always assumed they brought extras along specifically because the mission was to rescue two jedi. That said, it is weird with how “into” their lightsabers jedi are in-canon that they’d just grab spares out of the lost and found at the temple. Though maybe in those days the temple just literally had extra, it was

AotC at least tries to have multiple tones going on. The romance falls flat but the attempts at an “intrigue” plot are moderately successful (largely on Ewan McGregor’s efforts). The battle sequences, old cg notwithstanding, are at least competent despite being below Star Wars standards. In it’s clumsy way it at least

The costuming choices are so odd too, like Padme has so many outfits and they’re all incredibly details and over designed. But they also opted not to make even a single set of clone trooper armor for closeups.

They art directed every single little thing in Padme’s lakehouse but also chose not to build a whole set and

> You ever get the feeling George Lucas just shot a bunch of people doing generic Jedi-y things for the arena fight and then just slotted them in anywhere it vaguely makes sense

That’s exactly how they shot it. They had all the rando jedi performers come onto a totally isolated set (just sand and bluescreen) and have

It’s basically the premise of the newer Planet of the Apes films...except those films actually took the time to explain how a less intelligent and unarmed species could take over. If a virus takes out 95% of the existing human population there’s a lot of space for a newly introduced species to expand.

That said, I can

Everything you just said can be done without wasting electricity for no reason. The environment is not a strawman.

“Most NFTs are on carbon neutral/negative blockchains”. Prove it. Better yet, disprove this:

More than 90% of NFTs are traded on Etherium. Proof:

Multi-level marketing scheme like Amway is just a new way to buy home and beauty products. Don’t like pyramid schemes? Don’t buy them! Simple!”

Your logic assumes the rest of us are looking at NFTs and thinking “Meh, no thanks,” rather than seeing them for what they are: a pump and dump scheme wrapped in an

I think more than anything he has the social awareness to realize NFTs are contentious enough to keep quiet about them.

If you’re going to cater a nerd following you have to be pretty cautious. If you’re too generic and pandering “I like all games!” it comes off as inauthentic. Go too hard, “Star Wars sucks, Star Trek

“How come nobody is talking about the economy!?!” he yells at the TV, which has been on Cartoon Network for weeks on end.

Like damn man, sucks that Kotaku isn’t the world news hub you expected it to be.

I’ve really been liking Ludwig Goransson’s stuff for the Mandalorian S1/2 and the Book of Boba Fett. I was pretty mixed on the Boba Fett series so I’d argue the theme is one of the better things to come from it.

I think what works for me about Ludwig’s stuff is that it’s so far away from the sound of John Williams.
