
I still like Star Wars but the way the fan community deals with race is absolutely wild. I gave up after they decided that Rex was at the Battle of Endor because he vaguely resembled this caucasian actor (which they then canonized).

A character’s race in Star Wars is now based entirely on how fans feel at the time.

Put it in perspective: do you know the name of the CEO of Oracle? What about Foxconn? What about Tencent? IBM?

Oracle is worth as much as Epic today. Foxconn, IBM, and Tencent are worth orders of magnitude more. This is Kotaku, most people know Sweeney because of games. Tim Cook doesn’t follow gaming, he likely follows

I use y’all regularly and would never email a CEO who I’ve never talked to before using it.

Also he addresses Tim by name to start, but then uses “y’all” immediately after which causes ambiguity. He’s probably referring to “Apple’s developers” as that group but why not just say that.

>Hi Tim,

> More storefronts available on more platforms is good regardless of who’s arguing for it.

Assuming those storefronts are secure and don’t undermine platform security I wholeheartedly agree. Apple’s probably going to lean heavily on that, though I’m not wholly convinced it will work.

They can show plenty of examples of

I have to assume Apple would love to use this mistake as evidence for why opening up the app store third-party transactions is not secure.

There are plenty of instances of fraudulent transactions within the app store of course. An interesting difference though is that this case is about users scamming a company. The

We got a generic-brand treadmill and later adopted two kittens. The risk to the cats is totally fucking obvious.

While they were young enough they could easily fit underneath the treadmill the rule was: absolutely no treadmill use while the cats are in the room. If the cats somehow get into the room while the treadmill

Where it burned a bridge for me was this goddamn thing. The hint says “oh the eye looks at the sword tip” and great there’s a sprial pattern on the wall.

For the ENTIRETY of 3D zelda a spiral pattern has meant “do a spin attack”. Not anymore! Not with motion controls. No instead wave your hand in an awkward circle

I think my preference for desk lunch is based on something many office workers can’t do: For the past 7-8 years all of my jobs have allowed me to watch youtube (etc) on my computer.

No snarky, “Working hard, eh?” or covetous glances. I’ve got a sandwich in my mouth and headphones on; I’m clearly off the clock so we

Now I want to see a mini-build inside a TMNT technodrome:

Meh, it’s also fairly low powered/inexpensive parts considering the time/energy that was put into the mod. The GPU is an RX 550, in his partpicker notes he said he tried for a 1070 mini but pulled it out due to “smelly hot plastic issues”

It’s not a “gaming” chair at all. I bought a rather high end gaming chair (Secret Lab Omega) which are well regarded and cost about $350 depending on sale prices. Holy shit in less than a week that thing got ‘donated’ to my girlfriend who doesn’t play games much; their return policy is a nightmare btw.

Then I went to a

It’s not a “gaming” chair at all. I bought a rather high end gaming chair (Secret Lab Omega) which are well regarded

I can only hope that like like smallpox’s variations if the new one is indeed more virulent it would be lovely if it’s less severe.

Note: nobody wants any type of smallpox or any type of coronavirus.

The first time I attended E3 was to show a game our small team had been working on. At some point we got an award. We were confused, literally none of us knew that E3 awards were a thing and the game wasn’t even out yet. And as the event went on we actually got lots of awards (at least for our genre and budget). Sure

I feel like there were many pair-ups that had chemistry. They didn’t stick with any of them long enough to matter and when it was a group of three or more all chemistry stopped.

I even felt like Finn and Rose had chemistry, they just went on the world’s stupidest side-quest then never talked again. Finn and Poe had

See I think you’re right about 95% of the time.

However I think there is a small subset of people who find “pick up artistry” out of pure confusion or desperation. They may or may not have issues respecting women but not ones so deep they can’t recover from it...yet.

But fill their head full of PUA shit, insulate them

I always felt that the core issue was really simple: flirting. I’m not saying flirting is simple; decades of social progress have made it far more complex and it was always a complex social ritual. But incels and the people who sell shit to them are going off about estrogen in food and jaw muscles and it’s like: you gu

I played it like crazy but the truth is I only had like 3 games in those days (one of the others was TIE fighter). It played better on a joystick but as racing games go it was pitifully easy. That fit my skill level of the time, but only by coincidence.

If you had a faster pod you won, unless you’d done some really

I read it like 7-8 years ago. If you’re a history nerd there’s neat vignettes in there where they use some historical event to explain the rule.

But my actual reaction after reading it was, “Holy shit, I think if you actually did all this shit you’d be a super villain”. Like putting it in the ‘self-help’ section of the

You can’t play games that involve keeping your had secret with cards that have color all way to the edge. Think of how unbelievably easy it is to get a glimpse of just a slight hint of “red” when someone grabs a card. You’ll probably even be able to tell just from the edge of the card once they have some wear on them. 

I’ve been looking into it myself and I think this is how it works online, idk about in-store. But online you pay full price and they deliver the new phone. They also separately ship a “return” box for your old phone with instructions.

Once the new one arrives you can transfer data etc and wipe your old phone. Then you