
Interesting, I actually struggled with the look of Tintin; I think it was the combo of the very realistic features (like eyes) with the big but isolated exaggerations (like cartoony noses) on most characters,

Good example my friend pointed out to me:

Well based on key phrases like “...ensure our prosperity” and “...not all of them share our commitment to freedom, private property, and the rule of law” I think he’s low-key implying that we need a military space force because space is about to get profitable.

I always chuckled at the ramifications of “Harry Potter” style ghosts, where they are captured at the moment of their death.

Which means there’s a lot of weirdly clothed ghosts, like imagine a guy who died getting out of the shower so he spends the afterlife soaking wet with a towel half wrapped around his waist. Just

Yeah the paint simplification is what takes them from what you see here to the still amazing (but definitely not as crazy-good) quality of the shipping version.

I’m not saying there isn’t slight amounts of loss/degradation in the molds and outputs but in most cases if you send your production version off for a custom

I mean, if cities jump through hoops for sports stadiums who we have decent evidence do not profit a city overall can you blame them?

A town is going to be far more prosperous with an amazon warehouse than a sports stadium.

This has come up on kickstarter before and it will come up repeatedly: manufacturing is complex. It’s a numbers game and requires expertise.

Here’s one little example about manufacturing that a lot of people don’t know: plastic is actually very expensive in small quantities. Depending on the process, you have to tool

Articles like this are why I recognize your work Jason.

“Hey this article doesn’t have spelling errors...and it’s more than a page long...and it has actual *research*! I’ll bet Jason wrote this!”

I had too many decades of being told that in space your eyeballs explode for that scene to work.

No issues with the force powers. None at all.

I had issues with why the liquid in her eyes didn’t freeze or her blood didn’t boil or whatever happens.

It’s not a coincidence that this is where I stopped reading the EU. I tried a few novels after but that was the moment after which Star Wars books just felt “meh” to me.

I understand now why he was difficult to write but at the time he was a character with the most flexibility, the least known about his back story, and

Oh, I took that to be his whole point - that both Hollywood and the NFL are incredibly inconsistent when it comes to defining a moral standard. And that the biggest inconsistency comes from how popular the person is.

I can see merits of faster speed even just for casual viewers. Back when I was in college watching 3-4 episodes a night of something was totally reasonable and it made some of the slower-paced shows (old Naruto, One Piece, etc) totally manageable. I used to even select shows based on length, if it was 12 episodes I’d

> words that have an absolute meaning

When you said “big person pants” I of course take that literally because that is the only way I understand language. I wear pants and am an average size person.

What does my size of pants have to do with my understanding of language?

Did you mean actual “bull shit” by “BS” as well? You believe the words I wrote are

Are you looking for hipster cred for not knowing who Conan O’Brien is? Sorry, you don’t look like some paragon of anti-celebrity gossip you just look uninformed.

“Literally” is only confusing if you either:

Target’s appeal is declining sharply with middle-class consumers. While still a tier above Walmart I notice it has trended more and more that way as the gap left by K-Mart was filled.

I think that’s a general rule as businesses expand though. Macy’s, whether they are choosing to or not, is slowly declining to fill the

Best part about Bed Bath & Beyond is going in and realizing what their markup actually is. They do expensive coupon distribution via mail and unlike many stores their coupons (generally) stack.

But if you go there without a coupon or two you are almost certainly getting a +20% gouge on most items.

I recommend spending the extra $5-8 for the larger universal remote version. If only because the one listed here, while cool, still doesn’t have volume control. So you’re going to be reaching for another remote anyways. It’s possible to get everything on a single remote for a very minor cost increase:

I recommend spending the extra $5-8 for the larger universal remote version. If only because the one listed here,

I felt the same way. I’m curious how your second viewing goes tomorrow.

I felt better after my second time. Better in that I was less deflated and less unsure how I felt. I was not filled with excitement and curiosity and a desire for more star wars.

Rogue One did that. The Force Awakens, which i was pretty lukewarm on

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About that dipclip...