
A safe choice. Yes, they probably could have had their panel without any backlash but the chance was there that things would go suddenly anti-punisher an Marvel really is sensitive to these things.

I hope people planning to attend the panel understand but with how panels go for these big companies it’s really only a

mean, I guess it’s better than the previous look:

I mean people can make points about how California is either the 6th or 11th largest economy in the world (depending on who is counting and how) and CARB....But usually it’s that a company will just produce products that meet the restrictions of their most restrictive market. Wisconsin was the first state to require

I mean, it will get a decent amount of people who would otherwise never see the story to enjoy it so that’s a plus.

The downside is that I can’t imagine any fans of the animated version will like the new version better, if only because it’s not a great “watch it again” story arc.

So...I think this could work. And it’s

Yeah and I think that’s why those other people in movies have their own unions. Because what a ‘celebrity’ like an actor or a voice talent brings to a project is just different economically.

Video game developers should organize but we should do it in our own way (idk if there’s an existing union that would be sensible

Yeah exactly. I mean I get where they are coming from because they are trying to affect change for themselves and at some point more voices do distract from their message. It might make the overall movement “louder” but it can diffuse and confuse the message.

It was more a comment on strategy and why this wound up

As a game dev there was never any attempt on SAG-AFTRA to engage with me or my peers for similar goals. At no point did they prompt us to unionize/organize, suggest we join them in striking, explain the benefits of collective bargaining, or at any point at least acknowledge that the vast majority of people who make believe no crimes of necessity have ever been committed then?

I was saying booo-urn...

Now if only the people making the games could unionize/organize in a similar way.

I think it’s fair to have kept TF2 (officially) male-only simply to reduce the amount of overall pornography associated.

As I said, people are discussing both the punishment fitting the crime as well as the status of the crime.

Personally I don’t have issues with the current legal status of immigration. I have an issue with the punishment fitting the crime.

What issues I do have with immigration are the fact that there are too many

We live in a country where we are allowed to express opinions about what we deem to be illegal because the system can change. To say that all crimes are equally immoral because they are “crimes” ignores that:

Why not an anagram? “Slime E. Morals”

True, it’s very easy for someone uninformed to say “Hey, nobody has done a anime-to-live action movie! Let’s do on! We’re geniuses!”

When in actuality there have been so many and we forget them because they tend to be such garbage. There’s a cultural memory for really bad films (i.e. Dragon Ball, Avatar TLA) but regula

You mean Live. Die. Repeat? Or Edge of Tomorrow lol?

Hey now, I’ve been waiting to see how bad it will be!

I live in LA.

That’s his clone wars armor:

Lol @ the little glasses on the meat-monster that is Bautista: