
Here’s my predicted Porg-trajectory:

1. Huge marketing push from Disney because of the merch options for them (already done/in-progress)
2. Handful of fans get deeply into them and help push the fever (in-progress)
3. A decent portion of the fans will be just trying to exploit the perceived hype for social media gain but

The problem is that being accused of ‘mansplaining’ is not defensible. For example:

> If you’re not familiar, the term refers to when someone (most often a man, thus mansplain) explains something to someone (typically a female) in a condescending or patronizing way.

I found this opener condescending and patronizing.

Yeah and for people who are on a tight timeline that extra risk of it going to the wrong place or at least taking more time for it to get off the carousel rather than in your hands just isn’t worth it.

And I think that’s the problem, it’s ‘riskier’ to check a bag rather than to keep control of it assuming you can pack

Category 5: “Biblical Damage”

I think something the series did that is often unmentioned is expanding on what Bruce Wayne as a character could be within different types of Batman stories.

I think that’s a great point.


That was a thousand years ago, they have seven albums now!

You’d be right if you’re looking at the white (negative) shape. But look at the black and it’s quite obvious.

This is very disappointing. I understand red-band trailers will always play up certain elements but Blade of the Immortal is not a grindhouse action story.

It’s a story with a lot of violence yes, but it’s handled in a very noir fashion in the manga. The point of the violence is to make it feel impactful, not to make

I hear ya (that was three words haha)

You’re 100% correct that he and any decent lawyer would have expected to lose but both he and his attorneys proceeded assuming that the Kleins would run out of money (which, even with their fundraising, they almost did).

> Basically, Cameron is saying

I’m not even losing my hair and often wear a hat in the sun. I have fair skin and red hair but usually my haircut is quite short (~1/4in on the sides) meaning I can easily get sunburned through my hair.

I’ve been accused by people of ‘trying to hide being a ginger’ which is totally bizarre to me that someone would

You have to get the feeling that anybody else out there working on a cell-shaded anime styled game has to look at this (and the previous Guilty Gear installations) and think, “Ah...FUCK!

I mean I felt this way about Guilty Gear Xrd when it came out a while back but this is the gold standard for an anime-styled game. I

I think the graphics are a larger issue. I found this back when they did a re-release of Perfect Dark where just adding nicer models and textures on top of N64 graphics produced some...odd results. Like haveing characters with detailed hands who don’t use them (because in Perfect Dark the only hand joint was the

All I want it to look like:

Fair enough. An officer simply getting fired over nearly killing someone would actually be it’s own kind of sad achievement.

> Hope the driver dies from his injuries along with every other asshole who doesn’t know how to use a turn signal.

Does that include the cop? How many times do you think he used his turn signal during his 9 lane changes? Shouldn’t you upgrade his sentence from “fired for breaking the law” to “executed for not using