
As far as the ruling goes you should check out this longer article which has a few of the key arguments the prosecution used. Namely that while he was actively trying to recant on his suicide attempt she texted him “get back in” and earlier “You can’t think about it. You just have to do it. You said you were gonna do

Funny thing is that in the original art for the seal it is actually clearer that they’re wrestling. I mean, I leave discussions of the core idea ‘white dude beating an indian at wrestling’ to others but I mean...if you’re going to do it then at least draw it better.

At least in the old art there was a somewhat of a

There were a few times when I worked in games where PVP was pitched as a means of avoiding a complex AI system. And there’s a validity to the idea that if you’re just trying to get playtest data, having another player on another local machine can give both players a better experience than a cobbled together AI.


I’m absolutely baffled that a company would put themselves in a position where unfucking a kickstarter is their job.

Which means Little Orbit is getting money to do this.

So my question is...where is that money coming from? After three years how much of that initial funding is already gone? Who out there is willing to

I bought a set of four of those colored flexible cutting boards...then I cut all of them in half because one, it made them a better fit in the dishwasher and two, because I hardly ever needed the whole space anyways.

Plus them being flexible makes it easy to use them as funnels for whatever you just chopped up. You

I keep a small thermometer in my office here in Southern California, if only to have a factual basis for when I complain about my office being hot. Currently 83 degrees in here.

So the question is not whether shorts are unprofessional or not because they aren’t; I know that. The question is how sweaty and

The Coke Zero play was very clever because I know Coke Zero is consumed much more commonly by younger men. I think I have heard “I spilled Coke Zero on my keyboard” as often as any other brand of soda (particularly more than diet Coke).

What is smarter is that even though they were clearly going for this “non-girly”

From a workout perspective I love that the Nanos are light enough that if it falls out of your pocket it can be suspended by the headphones. Meaning it doesn’t fall to the floor or rip your headphones out.

I know most people would say “lolol just don’t drop your phone!” but it’s like, “I’m doing burpees and whoever

I’ve had a nano of some variety since Gen2 and for me what made them less useful was the focus on the touchscreen. I 100% get how it fit in with their iOS-like UI and all that but man...sweaty hands and a touch screen didn’t work great.

I actually think the gen 1/2 layout worked the best with a screen but discrete

The question then is: did that family have access to the information, facilities, etc they would have needed to make a responsible family choice regarding pregnancy?

Personally I can say, “Hey it was dumb to have kids!” but I thankfully had sexual education that wasn’t some garbage abstinence-only stuff, I have access

> Judging by Thanos’ attire
Interesting, see based on the shot I thought this was maybe a display that hadn’t been fully costumed yet; that one of the contractors had taken a photo before he was fully dressed. 

I think I must have been way too young when I read it because I:
1. Don’t remember the ending
2. Thought it was kinda boring
3. Had no idea any of the characters were black

So when people ask if I read A Wrinkle In Time I just say, “No.” So at least I may get to be surprised by the events in the film?

“Hey! As a Pirate, that offends me!” — No One Ever

Also ignored is the fact that the narrative of the ride is “pirates do bad things and pay the price”

First acts (especially in Disney movies) generally involve characters or society making mistakes we know are wrong in order to set up the story. Everyone at the beginning of Mulan is misogynistic that way even a child

And I think that’s the way Blizzard wants to go. It’s a much more proven and expansive model so I can see why.

With these larger 1000+ piece puzzles a lot of people are looking for the challenge that a large one-color area provides.

The company that makes this also makes a Beatles White Album puzzle, I’ve heard it’s one of their best sellers

The thing I’m curious about in the future is how this model will compare with the ‘sports team’ model that people like Blizzard are pushing. Where advertising revenue is going to be the primary source of player salaries rather than prize packages.

Not a monster per-se but as someone who has cut up mousepads/playmats before the thing to keep in mind is that if there’s a cloth cover it may fray/tatter and depending on the foam material it my get kinda crumbly.

Don’t know if either of those issues would apply to this specific mat but lint and crumblies are not

Not a monster per-se but as someone who has cut up mousepads/playmats before the thing to keep in mind is that if

Even if they had wanted to they probably can’t now. I’m assuming they’ve found some creative way to write-out Leia with Carrie Fisher’s passing (it could be handled in TLJ or at the beginning of the next film) but if they were both gone you’d have Star Wars with zero human female characters of any importance.

It’s definitely an dumb choice to not include her; given that she’s the main(ish?) protagonist of the new films.