
Police try to stop them: people get hurt

I think you could make a decent case for that. You could reason he’s all about upholding the law but isn’t honestly that concerned whether the law is right or wrong. So he’s a law officer in a corrupt (arguably evil) system but he’s closer to just a man doing his job.

In an ‘evil’ system he’s evil but in a ‘good’

That’s a great character example. I think most people would think of him as ‘lawful evil’ and be totally incorrect because Javert of course believes what he is doing is right.

The DM of my current game asked (softly) for no evil characters because he said that everyone’s character should be at least good/neutral in

And what’s great about that personal belief as a basis is that it puts him on differing sides of “good” relative to the rest of the world.

Compared to grave-robbing Nazi’s he’s a goddamned hero. To native peoples and cultures he’s a bloody thief.

I think when people play Lawful Good they’re obsessed with being the

> (or transfer to the old person Cloud)

That’s a strange analogy for heaven even if you didn’t intend it. 

If any airline out there starts letting people who don’t use the overhead storage exit the plane first then I’ll be a lifelong customer.

Him having an (apparent) sense of humor about the whole thing is really the most surprising part of all this.

The cynical part of me says, “Oh that was a PR team decision to tweet that response” but given the President’s lack of PR team consultation for his tweets it actually makes me wonder: was this actually just

Nope nope nope.

Yeah I think how a store deals with their 20's is the biggest factor here. If you have several in the till then honestly it’s no big deal and it’s not like 20's are uncommon to receive so usually you have them.

“Hey boss, check out my concept for a new android fighter!”
“Does it use shock absorbers? Because we’re kinda tied to that narrative now.”
“Does it ever!”

I mean, it’s artists making art so it’s very ok to just say, “I thought it looked cool/fun/sexy/etc”

I always hate when someone adds these weird narrative loopholes to justify something that was just aesthetic. Metalgear is a big offender. Really you had to give Quiet sexy clothes because the of her “story”?? You

How often did you find yourself running out of change in those places?

Most places I worked did the same thing you describe, you don’t want drawers of cash moving around if you can at all avoid it. But because of that they were often well-stocked with change so yeah, it could be a problem but the drawers were always

Good thing he has his rear foot sideways to brace. Otherwise I can imagine him firing that gun like:

People that do that at the start of shows are the worst. I use a square reader at conventions so that in those cases I can at least politely ask they use that instead.

Later in the show I find it’s not so bad as I usually have a supply of medium bills (10's and 20's).

I was thinking mostly grocery stores and other big-box chain stores like Target, Best Buy etc.

Restaurants are an interesting one because you also don’t get your change immediately (so it’s not like there’s a line of customers at the register) and also bills are higher. Buying a pack of gum with $100 is different than

> they typically keep enough cash on hand to cover transactions

Yeah I feel like whether it’s a big deal really depends on the store. Like if you’re at a local flea market or something I’m always understanding to the fact that if this person doesn’t have any change for the rest of the day they’d be fucked. Especially if they don’t have a convenient way to go get more change.


Nah it just makes you a terrible photographer. Did they control for whether or not being a photographer makes you a narcissist though?

Funny thing is you find people who use the word “selfie” to just generally mean picture. “Here let me take a selfie of just my food!”

I think you could generalize that to maybe just be “have a shitty job” or better yet “have at least two different shitty jobs”

I worked retail during the holidays. I made coffee at an absurdly early hour. I also worked on a farm and shoveled horse manure.

If I were to order those in terms of how much I hated them I

> 3.0+1.0
Seriously? I almost wish it was to make a dumb 6.66 joke, at least then it would appear that they had some sort of plan or something haha.