
The word you are looking for is “editor”.

Nobody employs them anymore so everybody, President and Gawker included, is just winging it in the proofreading department.

I swear the idea that there used to be editors (and lots of them) must be confusing to younger people the same way the concept of a travel agent is.

Jesus, seeing you write 4.44 made me realize they might have come up with this whole asinine number scheme so that they can do “6.66” as a finale or something.

Maybe I should feel silly/dumb if that was obvious to everyone but me and I just now realized their plan. However if the whole goal with that was to make a

One year at San Diego Comic Con I caught the tail end of a panel while waiting for the next one. The panel finishing was for the Big Bang Theory, a show I don’t care for.

I remember back when they announced the Avatar/Nick partnership with Dark Horse. It made perfect sense because the Avatar franchise has always skewed very adult by Nick standards and Dark Horse does a lot of that type of stuff.

You do some art books, some graphic novels and comics, then you get into ‘adult

Something I’m wondering about this. I drive a Fit and according to Google the tank size is 10.6gal.

The gas light comes on when the odometer estimates 30mi (or so) left; and given that I get about 30mpg that means it should have a bout 1 gal left. I’ve driven it down very close to zero but even then I’ve never pumped

When I went in for my TSA Pre-check I was pleasantly surprised because I have a valid driver’s license from one of the handful of states that offer ‘extended’ licenses that give you access to a neighboring country without the need for a passport. In my case it was Washington State/Canada but other border states have

I was going to say hideous but same idea

Video game artist here:

To say, “Boo, you greedy voice actors!” is to play into the hands of corporate interests where instead we should be saying “Hey, good for you VA’s, we want the same things too!”

However to me the recurring fault on the part of SAG-AFTRA is how consistently they avoid the conversation with other

I have a queen bed and my partner and I don’t touch backs. Though at 5'7" and her at 5'3" it’s a bit easier.

“Sorry ‘Nightmare Before Christmas’ is only on DVD, do you want to watch ‘Corpse Bride’ instead?”

Jesus no

What freaking anime-to-live-action film do all these directors keep seeing that makes them think, “Oh, that was good, we should do that too!”

I just don’t get it, is everyone out there actually thinking “Hey I know the last 20 adaptations have failed but we’ll get it THIS TIME!” or is there some film I’m missing?

I managed to not know the first one existed and only have the vaguest recollection of the second... yeah I bet pretending they never happened is a good call?

> You are dressed like the Phantom of the Opera. He’s not a vampire!
> He eats theater people!

“He was the best star pilot in the galaxy...”

“...By which i mean when my friend was a kid he used to race his junker motorcycle and haul ass around the neighborhood.”

You say that except I once had to defend this exact point to a professor in college who showed the song “Honor to Us All” and proceeded to explain why it was awful for young women.

The part that seemed to be completely lost on her, which I struggled to explain without being accused on ‘mansplaining’ (which wasn’t a

If you watch the first 20 minutes of Mulan it’s all about how women are just objects that need to listen to men. The movie is about the opposite of that.

If you watch the first 30-40 minutes of American History X it’s pretty much white power propaganda. The movie is about the opposite of that.

I don’t need to give

I wish they’d go back to the Bruce Timm style Batman the Animated Series.

I mean, they’ve tried to do that in their movie stuff with the abysmal Killing Joke. And it’s not that all the later animated adaptations were bad. Brave and the Bold was absurdly wacky and campy.

I would want to see that handled in a way closer to Samurai Jack.

New episodes with a slightly more adult tweak in terms of ratings (i.e. it’s a PG-13 not a Y-7) but otherwise a continuation or direct recreation.

For a stupid video project in highschool some friends and I once sat down to try to come up with some ‘joke’ Sith Lord names to use. Mind you this was before Attack of the Clones so we’d only gotten a taste of what was to come.

It was amusing how many of our joke ‘predictions’ came true over the years. I recall we