
The real money is in selling stuff to “Real Nerds” under the pretense that they’ll become “Cool Nerds”!

So yeah, any shopping list that they can look at and say, “Oh, I already own that” is a bit of a waste.

The real money is in selling stuff to “Real Nerds” under the pretense that they’ll become “Cool Nerds”!

So yeah, any


It makes me wonder that even if the number I have heard is true, that your fare only covers 40% of the cost of your Uber (which I assume includes that R&D), what Lyft’s rate is.

In particular I wonder if they are also running at a loss, just a less significant one and hoping once they have market control they

Here’s an honest question for someone in-the-know: in terms of profitability why is Lyft predicted to topple as many people are saying Uber will?

I worked at the company while they were developing Edge (albeit in a completely different part of the company). When we internally found out about the new browser, then codenamed Spartan, I was excited. It was pitched as a new browser that eliminated all of the old IE legacy chaff and was rebuilt from the ground up.


As an owner of an S7 I’ll just say that without a case it may be the slipperiest fucking phone ever invented. It just begs to be dropped.

So the addition of more slidey curved glass in a shape that is also going to make cases more difficult (unless you want to cover all those edges!) doesn’t sound like a great’re tell me that if we get rid of ALL the trees nothing can hold the soil back?

Now you’re going to be telling me we shouldn’t have a gigantic city in an area where people think, “Hmmm...astroturf would be a good idea here!” or something!

It’s almost as if making our rivers out of concrete has ramifications T_T

Yeah that’s the head-scratcher for me. I understand why a comment like this would get you uninvited from a speaking event.

But how did all of the other random shit not *also* get him uninvited before? It’s like, “Yo, if you’re going to draw a line why did you wait so long?”

There’s a great short podcast by NPR talking about Salmon sushi.

Basically up until 30 years ago the Japanese would absolutely NOT eat salmon. Part of that is just cultural but the salmon in Japan lives in much warmer water so parasites are more common.

But that’s not a problem in Norway! The reason we have salmon

Those action figures are kindof a hot mess.

> It’d be as weird as Tony Stark having a British accent, or Harry Potter having an American accent.

I assumed they did that because the location of the Sanctum *is* pretty well established as being NY (and the other two are London and Hong Kong) but it’s not like people from other countries can’t live in America!

That’d actually be an interesting take on some other characters; have them be non-American (in the

We’re *Sorcerers* not ‘Wizards’ Michael!

It was weird to me just because:

The way I see it the Switch could bring everything that’s great about the 3DS (my favorite hardware of this gen) into the console market. Or it could bring everything that was terrible about the WiiU.

The thing about wireless charging that most people forget is that the majority of phone cases will either completely block the charging or (as with my GS7) make it so finicky it’s not worth it.

The thing that is far more valuable in my opinion is fast-charging. Honestly it’s such a positive feature that now that I’ve

So...what you’re saying is that you should just go to Korean BBQ? As long as you bring your own bread that is, they usually don’t have that.

A nod’s as good as a wink to a blind bat!