
“Should eclairs be crunchy?”

I was found to be completely deaf in one ear and mostly deaf in the other during a hearing test in first grade. After a very painful doctors visit and the use of what can only be described a “medical turkey baster” in my ears I could hear again.

Removing the wax from my ears is the only way I get to retain my hearing.

Yeah he’s pretty much going this direction:

...well ain’t that the damnedest thing

The late 80's/early 90's had plenty of animated movies that were inexplicably marketed towards children but were goddamn terrifying.

Glad to see we’re bringing CG in to terrify a new generation.

Anybody working on a Watership Down CGI movie? Somebody better get on that I guess.

Biggest thing I’ve found is that your age bracket, your location in the country, and your app of choice are the biggest variables. To the point that one persons experience with an app may be totally unrelated to what you’ll find just because they are 3 years younger and in a different city.

Assuming you aren’t moving,

Sorry, I guess I should say faux apathy. Remember you’re not even pretending to care, you’re actually wasting your time pretending NOT to care.

Stymie99, you truly are changing the world with your faux outrage.

Read your comment but replace “Insomniac employees” with your name. You’ll find your own comment shuts you down quite nicely.

“ get back to work.”

When I worked in games they would often quote stats at us about how few players actually finish games. It was something like 70% of player’s wouldn’t ever see the final level of a game.

Now keep in mind that was a stat that was thrown at us in 2012 or so. And it did always bug me that nobody knew if it controlled for

Yeah I know a lot of great game genres have been born from combining two previously disparate genre ideas but I think there’s been enough games in this zone to say that either it doesn’t work or it’s just so incredibly hard to get right that even a large sample of decent developers couldn’t do it.

Or, more likely, it’s

I think it fits into a larger category of games that fit the model of, “People like MOBAs and Shooters...isn’t there some way we can combine them?”

There’s lots of different spins and mixes though. Paragon is probably one of the better-known ones. Gigantic is another one. Arguably Paladins. Battleborn of course.

Also, grabbing someone’s genitals isn’t really covered under “political correctness”.

Not being PC would be saying something like, “I think women should go back to just being secretaries!” I mean, that’s an awful thing to say but it’s not really just displaying a lack of political ‘correctness’.

One of the reasons I love shows like Luke Cage or to an extent Marco Polo that need large pools of non-white actors is that they almost always surface a few actors or actresses who are amazing but probably weren’t going to get cast in anything otherwise.

Because I’d never heard of Mahershala before Luke Cage and

Eh, I would consider nuclear deployment next to impossible under Clinton. But significant land wars as likely if not almost definite.

Of the already doomed factors I would say the economy was a maybe with Clinton (like 50/50 it stays stable vs. tanks completely) and I gave her fair odds the social safety net would

Oh sorry I meant with their “branding”. The disk tray glows blue, as do the LEDs on the Wiimote. That’s the only blue on the stock white one.

The blue came in more on the box art for the console as well as the strips on top of the game boxes etc. Definitely they leaned on it less than say Xbox does with the green.

“We demand more women characters in games!”
“We also demand female armor that matches male armor coverage!”

“Ok ya go I guess? It’s going to be a bit tough to tell them apart...”

I think this rules. In the banner image I noticed the Male Shield Knight and thought, “Hmm, if they don’t do a fem Shovel Knight

I just realized Nintendo’s “colors” have changed so many times. I conceptualize them as red too.

That’s a fair point, and I say that as the owner of a Wii U for exactly that reason.

The biggest difference I think in terms of it being a “safe” bet is this history of Zelda and Nintendo vs. a new IP like Scalebound and Microsoft.

The Wii U will be the first Nintendo Console to not receive a Zelda game during it’s