
> Sanders has resorted to gimmicks

Because reasoned arguments have worked so well against Donald Trump...?

Somatypes are a joke. It’s not like there is some specific gene that can ONLY be one of those three options and that dictates which one you are. So saying that somatypes are “genetic” is nonsense because there is no ectomorph gene. There are dozens of separate traits that we could classify as an ectomorph for

Poorly conceived/timed cash grab?

> Germany’s labor laws allow the government to cover up to three full salaries for each employee when a company enters insolvency.

So this guy is crowdfunding a campaign to get money that the German gov’t will pay him anyways? And he’s only suing for *his* wages...he’s not grouping with any other affected employees?


There’s something really amusing about the structure decals and how big they’d need to be to ships passing by. Imagine that Give Way sign needing to be 3-5km wide in order to be visible to ships.

Then imagine that if it’s over a city that the Give Way sign probably has its own school district (or at the very least its

SAG-AFTRA should be messaging to developers that we should form our own union(s) and join them.

Because the reality is without a union or similar entity nobody is going to give the rest of us developers shit because we don’t have collective bargaining power like SAG-AFTRA does.

Think how much support they would get from developers if they changed their goals to something that helped developers get the same things they are asking for.

I’m sympathetic to people who have conspiracy theories about “bad” events because I understand the idea that it’s somehow easier to believe it’s all a big evil plan than to believe how random events can be.

9/11 Truthers or JFK people are crazy but I can understand why you’d want to believe in a huge (but organized)

Now playing

Someone, a human with authority to make decisions, looked at that and said, “Yeah that looks good, do that”

The the often raunchy sexuality of the Conan universe is a part of the product historically. If you go to a gallery exhibition of Frazetta art you can’t complain because there are axes, tigers, and boobs. The game and it’s mechanics seem to be an accurate portrayal of the Conan franchise and it’s themes which

Also in 8 weeks we are going to completely obliterate this type of tomato from the surface of the earth.

And everyone knows fire and forestry departments are just the government trying to steal your tax dollars.

The internet needs to learn what the fuck an anvil looks like. Here’s mine:

“Dipp runs $249.99, likely because painting on all of those stars can’t be easy.”

They’re actually a bunch of little decals; they float them on with water for placement. That’s how they do something like a tattoo on a character or other precise graphics. Still, because they are each an individual decal that’s a

I’m pro-Frog Fractions and anti-ARG so this is a win-win in my book.

Because the outcome of essentially every ARG in history has been “Exhausted, disappointed, and very confused”...

Glad you mentioned turning off the objective marker as I did that in Dishonored 1 and it made the game feel gigantic.

Exactly. Of all the consequences of cheating in games, giving a total stranger a shiny pokemon and a master ball is pretty cool.

It definitely has some downsides for people attempting to battle as your opponent can have some otherwise impossible advantages. But for people like myself who only use the online

I still maintain that the whole (previous) cover fiasco was a failure of the editorial staff rather than J. Scott Campbell.

That guy has made a very stable career for drawing pretty much the exact same sexy woman just with slightly different hair or clothes. That first cover is *exactly* what I would have expected

The story I always tell to anti-regulation or anti-social services folks is the story of fire departments in Rome.

It’s a long story and Dan Carlin tells it best but basically fire services in Rome were private and by virtue of coming from a rich family one guy managed to be in charge of all fire service in Rome