
Honestly as someone who just got back from Blizzcon I think you’ll be fine. Play at your own pace and thankfully the state of the tools to help you find other people to play with (for dungeons essentially) is really good.

It’s such a mature game at this point that while yes, you do need other people to enjoy decent

If you take the time to read a few things as you go then yes.

If like me you had never played any Blizzard games before and ALSO got railroaded around WoW by your far more experienced friends then you will not know what the crap is happening and why. And the world suffers greatly for that.

WoW has had so many long-time

Yeah I was describing trolling. Did you not read:

You’re familiar with what a ‘hobby’ is right? It’s a thing you do for personal enjoyment.

You argue on the internet as a hobby it seems. Why is it impossible that someone builds a costume as a hobby?

I lived on the eastside for years (Kirkland, Bellevue, then Redmond) and constantly took shit for living in the ‘lame’ part of town. Then Amazon, of course, wanting to be seen as hip and trendy builds in the ‘cool’ part of town. Housing costs have of course skyrocketed.

Sorry westside hipsters, you played yourselves

Having seen the campaign of Bernie Sanders this year I think I *finally* understand what most third-party candidates had been trying to go for all these years.

No, they did not *really* expect to win. They just wanted to cause enough of a disruption to push their goals forward and force the larger parties to bend to

Image Comics ‘Invincible’ had a lot of early points that really felt like parody (especially with the side characters) at times. Though with how solid it is as a standalone comic it wouldn’t be appropriate on the list.

Shoutout to The Immortal though, for being a Wolverine parody who is always able to come back to

Reading this off a Cintiq 27" I will just say...

Ah, but will the staff have the anime knowledge to distinguish the characters that are canonically ‘trap’ characters?

If the character is a man dressed as a woman in the show how will they know. I watch a lot of shoujo; it happens more often than you think.

I gave up on the buddy system after two days of walking during lunch (~1.5mi according to my fitbit and confirmed by how long it took) only to have it register .5km each day.

So in my (admittedly short) test I was getting 1 candy every 3 miles. Nope.

I still walk during lunch but I stopped even bothering to open the

The question is not “Why did J. Scott Campbell sexualize a 15 year old?”, the question is, “Who the fuck hired J. Scott Campbell for this in the first place?”

He draws the exact same sexy woman every time; I don’t think he’s honestly capable of handling a non-sexualized 15-year old in a way most people would like.


That was really surprising too. I mean in a gif it’s easy to assume he’s some kind of old-fashioned or impatient technophobe. But he seems to have given real time to at least understanding why there are so many systems and appreciate that ANY of them can fail.

It’s a further testament to his IT that he’s in the loop

Definitely waiting for an android version, this looks like it’s right up my alley.

On a fun note if you’re a fan of tactics games like Fire Emblem look into the rules of Japanese Chess (Shogi); it’s a very literal step from Shogi to Fire Emblem (even including class promotions changing the movement of pieces).

His Drying Pan game is on point.

I always just think it’s funny how as adults we so often feel the need to justify ‘fun’ activities as being helpful or having an application.

I enjoyed crossfit while i did it but I hated the horseshit about how ‘useful’ it was. Just say it’s fun, it’s ok. You don’t need to come up with some fantasy about how your

In our hypothetical dystopia I feel like cramped spaces would probably be a great hindrance with any type of polearm. As would getting in and out of many types of vehicles while armed.

But in the end it’s our own fantasy

Hololens is by no means perfect (and at its core is not about gaming) but the best part about it is you can walk to the bathroom or go get a drink with it on with no risk to yourself or others.

Solve wireless and safety and I’m onboard with VR. Vive has it’s safety zones but I’ve still whacked my hand on shit and

I tried DK2 Oculus (xbox controller) then an early version of the Vive a few months later.

They probably host parties on that deck with more 5x people than have ever been in the average american house.

It does seem unnecessary but I also would never hold an event that would involve inviting hundreds of people into my home :/

Also doesn’t her dad have conservatorship over her assets anyways? Is it technically