
This is a tough one to judge with only one side.

Because on the one hand really the only reason you shouldn’t be allowed on a plane for clothing is because of security concerns (which make it the TSA’s responsibility well before boarding) or other passenger’s physical comfort (like your clothes smell really bad).


If you cast a white actor in an almost entirely Chinese it simultaneously diversity AND white-washing?

Looking at YOU Fire Emblem games...

One plus about them (as explained to me by a hardcore collector) is that the style is consistent across every property/fandom. Which means for someone who is collecting quite a few they ‘match’ together.

Meaning if you decide to get these Rogue One figures they’ll sit perfectly on the shelf next to your X-men or

Now nobody *enjoys* killin’ Lionfish...but if you have to kill Lionfish, well you might as well enjoy it!

Someone needs to tell their Zbrush artist that you can’t use the same scratches brush EVERYWHERE, and also the brush that looked fine on a gun model is *probably* not going to be the greatest on something that’s several hundred feet tall.

Also if something has what looks like a coat of red car paint on it...and THEN

Lol, right? I thought the point of these posters (and arguably the only unique thing about them) is that you’re seeing such an abstract and close-up part of the Zord that you can hardly tell what the design as a whole is going to look like.

I loved the one I bought to use as a HTPC/Steam streaming machine. Buy ram and a HDD/SSD and it’s ready to go. Takes minutes to build.

I actually liked it so much I bought a second for my parents for Christmas. They wanted the size of a laptop but were too stubborn to use peripherals so it was causing ergonomic issues

I loved the one I bought to use as a HTPC/Steam streaming machine. Buy ram and a HDD/SSD and it’s ready to go. Takes

They don’t come with a HDD or ram so nothing can come installed on them.

No license is provided but I picked up Win10 on mine back when it was free and haven’t had any issues (I specifically wanted the NUC for a full Win10 build so I could do Steam streaming from my main PC to my living room).

They don’t come with a HDD or ram so nothing can come installed on them.

No license is provided but I picked up Win10

Huh...interesting. I was thinking the opposite as the Sun version looks like a pokemon (i.e. an animal/monster) and the Midnight version looks like it came from Furry/Sonic the Hedgehog Fandom.

Then again my interest in a pokemon design is inversely proportional to how much it looks like a person wearing a costume.

The main reason I’ll drive my car occasionally past when the light comes on is that my gas tank is small, the light comes on *very* early, and the car is new/trustworthy.

I have a 2015 Honda Fit and as a small fuel-efficient car it’s gas tank is small. Just a bit over 10 gallons. However the gas light comes on at

Fair point but I would say the Plus Accessory kind of proves that a sizable portion of the player base wants this. I can’t see a reason why they’d make it if Niantic’s opinion was “people who want to play this way should play another game”.

It certainly would have been nice to have that functionality without a

See the parallel for me is that I don’t want to interact that much with the game. I want to hatch eggs. If you want to have the phone up and check every few blocks for something great, I 100% see why you don’t have a problem.

I want to put my phone in my pocket, go for a two mile walk, and hatch eggs while I listen to

Remember CD players? How in order to walk with one (even one with early anti-skip) you pretty much had to hold it in your hand rather than in a pocket or a bag? You weren’t interacting with it in any real way, you just had to hold it to get it to work.

That’s what having to keep your phone unlocked with the app open

Honestly I think they may have already missed their window. Trainer battles and trading would add a lot but even with that they’re never going to get close to their launch numbers again.

It’s been two months since US release and look where we are. If trading comes online two months from now in November how far will the

It will be irrelevant, you could say it almost already is. The hardcore pokemon fans will have given it up for Sun/Moon by then.

I think it’s important they shift away from pokemon as “loot drops” that they have now and into pokemon as characters you “raise” which is where the main games have always focused.

The core Pokemon games are RPGs but the monsters are the *characters* not the *loot*.

I’ve been buying the hard-bounds as they came out over the years but slowly stopped. I felt things peaked with Conquest (funny that Kirkman even laments the character’s end slightly).

The feeling of progression and growth is what made early Invincible storylines seem so different. It took American superhero tropes and

Idk, maybe “Poseable Statue” is better than toy or action figure for stuff like this haha. Because ‘toy’ implies you’re going to play with it a least a little...which for $200 is probably not the case.

I’ve always hated the “It’s not our fault therefore we shouldn’t try to do anything about it” attitude. Even if you don’t believe climate change is human-caused it’s still our responsibility to address it.

If we found out a huge asteroid was heading towards earth would you be saying, “Well we didn’t create the asteroid