
Unpleasant truth: Rock’s always been this way. It’s his thing. It’s why folks listen to his comedy. It’s why he’s been so successful. Frankly I’m surprised it took this long for someone to slap him, and I’m surprised it was such a big deal when it happened.

So....Is it always a fat man?

Unfortunate reality one: Everyone who’s been on SNL says something like this sooner or later.

I would’ve figured Jezebel would be on the side of the murderess. I mean, after all, she killed an adulterous husband.

Sad and dreary are correct for the times and the atmosphere she was confirmed in. Or have you not been paying attention?

Umm...Are you sure there’s something wrong with the photos (they look fine to me) and that you’re not just mad the photographer wasn’t Black?

This is some sports guy, right?

Folks, please face it: This entire franchise is misogynistic to the core. “From conception” if you will. If you don’t like that, stop watching the fucking shows and reading the fucking books (which by the way will never be finished).

If it were a soul food restaurant instead of an Italian food restaurant you would not have bothered to publish this article.

Neither of them are or were good enough to be “King” of anything unless the title was somehow inherited. There, I said it.

Doesn’t the fact that the AssCreed movie sucked bug you a little?

Here’s a thought: Looking at some of the pictures of this device it looks like it might use adhesive to be held in place.

We’re in horror film territory now.

All crooks, fictional or real, especially crooked lawyers and drug runners, can fuck themselves.

First of all this particular story was inspired by a different war in England, not the War of the Roses. Second of all if you do any actual reading you’ll see there were more Black people, and people of other colors than White, in Medieval Europe at the time than folks like you give credit for. (Not a lot to be sure

It’s ok for people to like movies you don’t like.

I thought there was a conspiracy against him or something.

[From a creative standpoint, I’m sure he genuinely wants to finish what he started, regardless of public opinion. I don’t see how you can build up such a vast universe and not want to give yourself personal closure.]

No he’s not working on Winds of Winter. You fans all need to face that. Why can’t you?

I can’t think of a single song I like that has that word. I don’t listen to rap though, because rap sucks. At any rate, it’s time to retire that word from every day speech, period.