Time to retire that word from every day speech. I’m even willing to never quote movie lines that have it.
Time to retire that word from every day speech. I’m even willing to never quote movie lines that have it.
Thank you for admitting this. It goes for pretty much anything, not facial hair. Including behavior.
We the audience are partly to blame, by continually demanding more authenticity and more sex on screen. There was something to be said for a cut-away.
Mayor Cantrell is Black. Is Jezebel allowed to say anything negative about her or should you be passing it off to The Root?
Where were the good guys with guns?
Republicans can get away with anything.
I heard that! And yep that put it in the “dispute within this community” area. Whether the dispute was personal (“I kill the other group because my daughter married one!”) or political (“I kill the other group because I hate them!”) we shall see.
If you care, Representative, change your fucking party. Now.
There are only 3 possibilities. Remarkable coincidence, some kind of dispute within this community, or a political/religious serial killer.
I saw this on the mainstream media first. Don’t be like the Republicans and say “no one is talking about” stuff that’s actually all over the place.
We need to face the unfortunate, but real, possibility that he’s going to win.
She’s being blasted because she’s White, and Beyonce is Black, and this is The Root. Anyone of any color who knows music knows that 24 songwriters is totally ridiculous. I remember one of Alice Cooper’s songs, which was surprisingly good, raised eyebrows because it had like 8 writers or so.
Chris Rock has never been that funny and has always relied on a certain sense of faux-edginess to build his considerable popularity on. Why folks fall for it I don’t know.
Some producer thought “we have a spin-off with a Black protagonist. We better find a White guy to point the camera at.”
This. That’s how this feels to me. A fratboy who thought it was funny and if ever caught will say “what? Don’t be a snowflake!”
I understand why is fans want to believe him, and I understand why some of them are vocal, but what I don’t understand is how widespread and intense the vitriol is. To me it’s a long way from “I don’t want to believe stuff about my favorite celebrity” (happens to me all the time! see Joss Whedon) to what we’re seeing…
*sighs* I point out again that the quote you gave has been shown to be made up. So, yeah. Not sure how seriously you want to be taken as a writer but taking made up quotes uncritically is not good, as a general rule. Sorta puts you closer to Alex Jones than you probably want to be.
This not a surprise and, if “unusual” were the sole determinant of what was news, none of this would be newsworthy. Republicans are garbage. And they’re going to keep on winning because we we’re stuck in micro-aggressions.
Beyonce is a mediocre singer at best, a talentless hack at worst. There, I said it.
That quote’s been debunked thoroughly.