Everyone get ready for the crackdown on nerds, because people will make the video game connection before they make the “Conservative politics” connection, despite how clear the latter should be at this point.
Everyone get ready for the crackdown on nerds, because people will make the video game connection before they make the “Conservative politics” connection, despite how clear the latter should be at this point.
Didn’t the book version have an in-universe sequel that you got to read about, if not actually read, if you wrote to a certain address that was in the book?
This makes me smile and chuckle. The negative tone is little short of odd.
Let’s face it: The end of Roe will be devastating to everyone, even those who are applauding it, or those who think they don’t much care. Though they may never realize it, much less vote accordingly.
I think being taken aback is understandable. It’s easy to forget that critics’ standards on average have eroded over the years. I wonder if the MCU is to blame. The idea of blockbuster movies actually being good so messed with their heads that they forgot to have standards.
The original was awful. I expect this one to be too. Not to mention the changes made to the movie with the seeming intent of appeasing Chinese resentment over the existence of Japan and Taiwan. (I understand the latter, I guess, but the former? It’s been near-100 years since WW2.)
*sighs* I can’t afford every streaming service when all I want to watch is a thing or two on each one. Therefore, Redbox.
Boys will watch girls cook (or do anything, really, as long as they aren’t wearing too much) for the same reason girls who aren’t into sports will watch it sometimes: eye candy.
Hey now. His daughters are clearly over 18.
I bet his granddaughters get in his lap too.
Hey, is that Quinn?
I saw that movie! There are, technically speaking, worse movies than that. Are there worse Sean Bean movies than that? I don’t know, I didn’t see that weird one about spreading the plague. That one looked pretty bad.
I have technically seen movies where he didn’t die. Funny thing is, though, in the best movie where he didn’t die (“The Martian”), he gets fired, which is sorta like dying.
You’d be surprised.
Sounds unlikely folks were unaware of this. Sounds like it’s making some news.
So no one thinks it’s odd that this happens when Chapelle’s facing controversy, eh?
I thought having female villains was, like, empowering and shit. Didn’t I read that here too? Is Jezebel finally coming around to noticing that “evil” and “empowering” have little in common except the first letter?
You’re right that we’re not going to see eye to eye on this but since you asked, essentially you’re asking why an article about process serving would be used to address stuff that happens that doesn’t require it? Answer is: The article just didn’t read that way, and I have enough knowledge of how the legal process…
The bottom line is that everyone’s mind is already made up. Judge, jury, attorneys, everyone. Before you even get there. There already is a likely outcome that’s not based on anything you can do or change. The courtroom is, overwhelming odds, going to be just an expensive formality.
I actually don’t know how to link to specific posts on this group of sites. And the post appears to have mysteriously vanished anyway -- some funny shit, that is. *shrugs* Oh well. Among other things I pointed out that the article made it clear that how the service is done is up to the server -- in other words, it’s a…