Most that I’ve read about the collections industry actually suggests that it’s mostly middle and upper class people collecting from those below them.
Most that I’ve read about the collections industry actually suggests that it’s mostly middle and upper class people collecting from those below them.
This cannot possibly surprise anyone.
This is PvP. If you don’t want this behavior, don’t have PvP. It’s that simple. As a long-time Ultima Online player I know this well.
Attention rich people: I’ll write your op-ed for you at a fraction of this cost.
There’s an NPR piece about this incident, and about the profession in general, that casts both into an interesting light. I made a post about it, including a link to the NPR piece, as a reply to this very article but it’s gotten no notice -- too long for most folks I guess. Please calmly find my post and if you are so…
OK so, as we might expect, it falls to National Public Radio to actually do some research into this industry, and this incident, and shed some light on this situation.
Good for him. You essentially have proved my point (as far as debt collectors go at least).
We have to hope for two impossible things: One that they succeed, and two that the game is a runaway success, both commercially and artistically.
As I recall (from long-distant memories of reading some poll data), “abortion” has a negative connotation to most people and “choice” has a positive connotation to most people.
The term “participate” does not imply being a major part, so you are in effect responding to something I neither said, nor implied. I’m aware that the set of duties known as “process serving” would not exist if the legal system were structured in a different way.
Umm.....No. Nice try though. Oh, wait, it wasn’t. Granted that might be the case here for all kinds of reasons -- she’s already proven that she’s an adulteress. But please stop lying and saying this is “usually” just lawyer to lawyer and that if a server is involved someone is ducking. You know that’s not true. Just…
Saying you did something “for money” can be misleading. I mean I, trust me, know that sometimes you take a job just because of limited options. But when you start a company to do something, which you’ve admitted to doing here, you do it for a reason.
Can you roll onto the AV Club and explain this to the incels there, please? They’re pretty much stuck on thinking that process servers are awesome folks just doing a job.
As I have repeatedly explained on the AVC side, it’s entirely possible she was dodging. However it’s also entirely possible that the process server was being a dick because, well, let’s face it: As is the case with collections, that’s part of the reason some folks take this particular job.
No. There is no Liberal equivalent to Fox News and, sadly, there won’t be. It’s one reason we always lose. Fox News is a lot more than “shitty, unthinking opinions disguised as news.” You have like 50 more boxes to check before we get to a Liberal equivalent of Fox News.
Sometimes, at least, I am quite sure.
There doesn’t have to be a reason and if you legitimately think that getting the payment is the “reason” collectors intimidate, then you’re extraordinarily naive.
It’s cute to make this personal and all but, of course, that swings both ways.
You’d be surprised.
I agree you shouldn’t dodge papers being served in general (there are legal reasons one might avoid it in rare circumstances, if you’re trying to force use of a certain venue for example), but please don’t insult us by saying this is just a matter of respecting the jobs of others. Oftentimes, you all take jobs like…