People will avoid legal papers all the time, to delay a court action or try to force certain venues to be used. (I don’t know the specifics.) Having said that, I doubt that’s going on here. I think this was deliberate intimidation to be a jerk.
People will avoid legal papers all the time, to delay a court action or try to force certain venues to be used. (I don’t know the specifics.) Having said that, I doubt that’s going on here. I think this was deliberate intimidation to be a jerk.
People take jobs for a reason. Sometimes it’s “I need a fucking job,” sure, but with jobs like this, more often than not it’s a case of you take work you’re suited to. Being intimidating is part of why these folks take the job, part of why they do the job, and part of why they love the job. It’s like collections.
No it doesn’t mean she’s been dodging, it might just mean the process server is a dick. Those folks are sort of like collection agents — the intimidation is part of the job, part of why they take it, part of why they do it, part of why they love it.
I thought we weren’t supposed to call them “strip clubs” anymore.
*sighs* No, Chris Rock’s mom. He didn’t slap “all of us,” no matter who you think of as “us,” he slapped your son. Your son is a professional douchebag and in a way it’s strange it took someone that long to do so. Yes, it was a bad decision to use physical violence in response to your son’s being a douchebag, but this…
As much as people overstate the role of the Presidency in the literal text of the Constitution, you moreso understate the role of the Presidency in the actual fact of politics, and in the implications of the text of the Constitution.
OK I’ll say it: Another possible explanation is that sadly there’s way more Trump (and related scumbag) support among young people than you seem to think.
This Summer: Mike Tyson IS “Florida Man.”
Given that this franchise has had players be Vikings and pirates, moral consistency requires them to, in this setting, take the Japanese side. This won’t happen. Not for moral reasons (see Vikings, pirates) — but for money reasons.
The reality is that almost any regular person accused of this would face more consequences than he has, confession or no. And he flat-out confessed so it’s not a “I was misinterpreted” or “these aren’t true.” He was never ‘cancelled,’ at least not the way any normal person would be.
I listened to some of his videos while doing other things. He mostly comes across like a crazy old man, easily avoided on the street except when he’s shooting at you. Skin color was honestly sorta irrelevant here — many old men of many skin colors sound like this, just the specifics change.
David Lynch sucks.
Sad to say but this is a very New York kinda scandal. Don’t let the Republicans tell you this is just a Democratic thing — Republicans have been in legal trouble for doing variations on the same thing. Vincent Leibell, Joe Bruno, Dean Skelos, and (I think?) Tom Libous are the names that most immediately come to mind.
If you see it as short-term, then yes it’s a lost cause. We need to think long-term and hold our noses. It will take a long time of consistent Democratic voting to have hope.
The answer to the “why YouTube allows” question in the headline is also in the headline: 13 million subscribers.
One might think that someone who has admitted to being a pimp, admitted to “selling” women (groupies, I guess? I did not and will not look up the specifics) to other performers while on tour, and has been seen walking women around on leashes, has experience in getting away with things and keeping folks quiet.
Just to be honest, it’s the allegations in the context of the performer’s behavior that makes them automatically damning. He’s admitted to being a pimp, he’s admitted to “selling” women (groupies, I guess? I did not and will not look up the specifics) to other performers while on tour, his use of the word “bitch” in a…
I do not understand why folks care about soap opera antics amongst celebrities.
So have you all, finally, stopped trying to fight Kanye West’s battles for him?
I’m aware of no one who thinks that this assault was a good or appropriate response. Having said that, it’s been strange to see people try to tease out broader social-political implications from this. There are none, and this is not the first time such a thing has happened. In the 1991 Cannes Film Festival, a similar…