
Move to Oakland. At the very least, your rent will be substantially lower and you'll get more Vitamin D.

Move to Oakland. At the very least, your rent will be substantially lower and you'll get more Vitamin D.

Kevin overhears Stanley saying that he's so hungry he could eat a horse. Kevin wonders what he's so hungry he could eat. Hilarity ensues.

"M" as in "Mancy"?

I think it's time for a celebratory song by Cilantro.

So, yea to The Cleveland Show and nay to Bob's Burgers, Family Guy, and American Dad? How…unique…of you.

That's a good point. Beck is master of pastiche but the way in which he did it on Guero wasn't my favorite. I preferred the method, probably most prominent in Odelay, of just shoving everything into the blender and having influences piled onto each other versus having those influences laid out in individual songs

I just listed that one sort of sub-genre of Waits. I really love all his albums, so for me I went for the stretch when he changed up styles and record labels (and ended before The Black Rider which I like but yeah… it's out there). Some of the Waits albums I'd put in my Top 5 aren't from the stretch I listed- dude's

The only Radiohead track I always skip, though similar in nature to "Treefingers", is "Hunting Bears".

Dirty Mind —> Sign O' the Times
Swordfishtrombones —> Bone Machine (I also will accept "every Tom Waits album")
Talking Heads: 77 —> Little Creatures
The Kick Inside —> Hounds of Love
I've Never Loved a Man the Way I Love You —> Young, Gifted and Black
The Velvet Underground & Nico —> Loaded
Dry —> Stories from the City,

ahhh that's so untrue! Besides the episodes Wad listed, there's "Chock," where Dave was part of the college barbershop quartet called Chock Full of Notes with David Cross, Bob Odenkirk, and Brian Posehn. Plus "Sinking Ship," "Pure Evil," and "Balloon". S4 had the best opening credits, too.

Y'know, I enjoy the final season, and Phil Hartman may be my favorite comedian of all time so it's not that I didn't feel the loss. Yes, Jon Lovitz is totally out of place on the show, but he was doing it out of his love for Phil which allows for a little leeway from me. Plus, corny as it sounds, the first few

Show me a publicity photo that isn't douchey, lame, or trying-too-hard-to-be-hip and I'll buy you a Dr. Pepper.

Yeah, my collection ends after Season 3, and I watch the MSPC episodes once in awhile on Netflix and treat them like websiodes. It would have been awesome if the show ended with Jim interrupting Pam's interview to ask her out, to contrast it with the UK's ending.

Pauly and The Situation will both be in their 30s when the sixth season films. I was shocked when I found that out, too. 10+ years of tanning & blackout drinking most likely ages a person's appearance.

Since the band has gotten into electronic music the shows have gotten even more awesome than they used to be…who knew Radiohead was capable of fun dance music? The live versions of songs like Idioteque and The Gloaming and Everything in Its Right Place (plus, I'm sure, the new stuff) are really different and energetic

I feel like a doofus having to go through the motions every time. This is a pipe dream but I imagine a land where the crowd gives a proportionate amount of applause at the end of the main set to how well the band did and how much the audience was feeling it, and then silence for a few minutes (you can chat with your

It might depend on your mood and the venue. It was winter; I was feeling melancholy and saw them, seated in the balcony of an old movie house where no one spoke, and it was a just right. Hearing Stephin Merritt singing "Papa Was a Rodeo"  and "All My Little Words" live was worth it alone for me.

R.I.P., Davy VelJones