Where is RuthSlayderGinsburg! ? I just noticed the old graphic someone drew up for you on GT is still on the Tumblr!
Where is RuthSlayderGinsburg! ? I just noticed the old graphic someone drew up for you on GT is still on the Tumblr!
I love imagining her picking out her collars based on how pissed she is at a decision. "Oh, I am going full-on starched cotton on this bitch!"
"Ducolax: worse than a week in a shit dungeon."
Right? I didn't like the snarky tone in the article at all, personally. I've never had nor will ever have a child, so I don't have a dog in this fight, but I don't understand why Dita and this company are being judged for providing a choice.
I don't see the problem here. This isn't what you're into, but it's what some people are into (and harmless).
i see no reason for so much sarcasm in this coverage. it seems like a good thing for women who DO want non-frumpy and non-white maternity undergarments! if you don't want it, okay don't buy it. but some women like lingerie that is functional AND good looking.
I have underwear like that and no man to speak of for 'attracting'. I wear it because I like it.
It's cool if this isn't your thing. I would totally wear this stuff.
Yup, I think this is pretty cool too. When I was buying post-partum underwear I was really bitter that I was paying so much money for something I felt was horrifically ugly. I like wearing nice underwear normally and, surprise surprise, turns out I still do now that I have a two month old. The most important thing in…
And there need not be any justifications for either.
I'm not a mom and I don't plan on being pregnant soon so feel free to disregard my comment but I don't think that this collection has to be taken in the BE SEXY way. Maybe, just maybe, women that have been feeling not that attractive during pregnancy would like to dress up a bit to feel better? Dunno, that's how I…
I have breast fed for over a year (this is my 2nd kid and I did the same with my 1st). While I agree that looking/feeling/seeming sexy might not be priority NUMBER ONE right after you've had a kid, it makes sense that down the road it might eeeek back into at least a top 20 list of…
I'm not going to lie to anyone about the fact that I felt ugly and fat after I had my baby. That may not be the case with everyone but that's how it was for me, and apparently Tracy as well.
Yes, exactly. Hell maybe some chicks just wanna lay around in fancy lingerie and a silk robe all day while carrying a baby instead of 7 layers of frumpy clothes. I know I would.
I think the collection is awesome. Lingerie is one way to feel attractive or put together, even if "sexy" isn't specifically the goal. I see no reason to wallow in feelings of frumpiness if you don't want to. It's something you would do for yourself. I know far more women who didn't like not being or feeling put…
She is basically Little Kelly Faircloth. When I was a child I'd worry about things, my mom would eventually lose patience and respond, "Well, what if the world stops turning tomorrow?" And I'd freak out about the possibility of what if the world DID actually stop turning tomorrow.
I love that her brother just looks at her like "Gurl... why you cryin? Isn't that my gig?"
Nothing I like to see more than a child being truly upset and the parents, rather than consoling, grabbing their phone. Douchebags. IT'S REAL TO THEM!
Wow, the angle on that Anne Hathaway article is such BS. "Anne Hathaway didn't want to break her diet when a scene in her new movie, "The Intern" with Robert De Niro, required her to nibble on chocolate cake." Nibble? Oh you mean when she had to shoot a scene that might require many takes she wanted to adhere to what…