
how about some science in beauty stuff? i'm interested in taking care of my difficult skin, but i often have issues finding what is what, despite trawling huge amounts of stuff in the internets. also, more stuff on religion from a non-denominational point of view? also yes to fixing stuff. without having much money or

I would say not just a science writer but a science editor with actual training in statistics who is required to approve the substance and title of every article that cites a scientific study, even from a secondary source. Given how many articles here try to appeal to scientific authority this has been a constant and

You and me both. I'm an MD/MPH. We should combine our powers like Captain Planet.

Both you and Sugarhill (she's in this thread) have offered your services. You two should collaborate.

Fuck. Please more science writers. I've offered myself more times than a virgin to a rain god.

Seconding the less gossip/more analysis on gossip stuff. I mean, I don't want to read about the Beyonce/Jay-Z potential divorce, it's none of my business. But an article about the strain that the wife's success puts on a marriage? Or about why we feel so invested in celebrity marriages? Sign me up.

Less of the OMG YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT THIS CAT/GOAT/BABY JUST DID LOL posts. Much more Kara Brown, long form investigative pieces, actual discussion about feminism and intersectionality. I'd love to see Jez's next hire be more Michelle Dean and less Pinkham. I think there's enough fun fluff on the site. Let's have

Please talk to the writers about the importance of proper spelling and grammar and such. It's hard to forward articles with multiple errors. Also, it feels a little disrespectful to the reader when the writer ignores basic stuff. I understand that these posts are written under the gun, but at minimum, corrections

Frantically nodding in agreement.

I second the more guest science writers. I think that is one area that is missing from Jezebel. I know it isn't supposed to be a scholarly site, but sometimes I get a saccharin overload from all the fluffy articles. A more regular science and/or scholarly guest article would be nice.

What stories and topics would be covered?

Seconded. Even just including a link to the original article so that readers could read the actual study rather than just a summary of a summary of a summary would be great.

I'd love to see a snapshot series similar to Lifehacker's "How I Work" featuring women, especially women in traditionally male dominated fields.

(And not in a "totes adorbs" kind of way: I'm talking real shit)

YES. And more science writers.

I'd like to see more unique content created for/by Jezebel - it feels like the majority of content is just bringing our attention to things other people/websites have written/posted, without a lot of original analysis attached to the post.

A science writer, please. A women's site that bemoans the lack of encouragement and support and opportunity for women in STEM fields is great - one that actually shares and does thoughtful analysis of scientific studies and new advances with a slant towards those that might be pertinent to women would be amazing.

It's my understanding that they are working on some sort of flag for the nasty stuff, but the timing on that...who knows. I do know that rape gif dude highlighted just how necessary it is.

I'd love to see at least 1 Ask an Expert every month. And not a sex expert or a sex worker or a sex anything, but science, medicine, the arts, engineering, space, all of that stuff. There's so little of that on Jezebel and I think it could be very helpful.