
No. I mean, yes, but you're not alone. Don't feel stupid at all. A lot of people think that when they delete things from their phone it's gone from the world and don't realize that Appe default backs things up in the cloud (droids do the same to google drive, I believe). So they think they're clear from the horrors

Care to explain why?

but why is it different? Why should I assume that Chase is better at security than Apple? If a large company asks you to set up a password, you assume they lock shit down

People operate under the assumption that what they do on their private devices is protected. What you do in your own home on a locked wifi is designed to be secure. What you upload to a secure, password protected account is supposed to be secure. If something is password protected, does not that imply that it is a

if people are curious, that is the default setting and a lot of people don't realize that. Change the setting in settings —> photos and camera —> turn off "my photo stream."

I am of the mind that we should be talking about online security here as well, I think that's important. But you're being ridiculous. If my bank account gets hacked are you going to say it's my fault for banking online? If my CC get stolen in a mass hack, should I have just been paying cash? Are those just

I think you may have missed the point of the piece? Mainly that that's a bull shit cop out argument because I should be able to do whatever I damn well please with my own body.

He looks delighted by his kid.

Also why you're so good at sports

That's true - it's more analogous to a gynecologist (a speculum, frankly, being a much better approximation of a penis than a tampon).

Yeah but it's not pleasurable so I draw a distinction. One is just anatomy, one is sexual, you know?

What about a prostate exam and testicular exams? Not quite the same, but those aren't sexual as far as I've been told.

It was intended more as "racism is everywhere."

No, you're right. That was unfair of me. Listen to the dogs. Definitely rebuff the cats though.


That sounds like latkes. The food of Jesus, not his followers. Perfect.

I'm more of a mashed potatoes girl myself. I wonder what she's got going on in that department

I wasn't attacking, the way it was phrased made me think that maybe the women in those families have particularly brutal views. You are much more familiar with the Duggars than I am, I was just curious.

Why the wife? Are their views particularly toxic?

This response made me genuinely laugh out loud.