
No worries. You were remarkably polite in your response!

Read the rest of the thread.

yeah, I've been over this a few times. That's a result from a Pap smear which is not part of a regular yearly STD screening.

well, the point of my initial comment was to mock the many people who have been saying that cases like this only happen in the South, that we are much more enlightened in the north.


I don't know man, that's not what other commenters and the TV would have me believe. I have it on good authority that only states that previously openly condoned slavery were racist.

I don't think it happens more there, I just think it's more out in the open in some cases.

How about: Racism is a huge issue in the world.

Racism is a huge issue in the South. Also in the North, the East, and the West.

So many times. It's truly remarkable how people can convince themselves racism is only a thing below the Mason Dixon line.

All these crimes happened in the South though, right? Because that's the only part of America where racism still exists.

Yeah. Especially to the not knowing what doctors are testing for - there are a lot of assumptions on all sides from this.

I'm just going to c/p what I said below

Interesting. I'll look into stats.

Everything in my comment was about what happens when you get tested by a medical provider. Nothing I said is at all relevant if you're not going to a doctor - it all has to do with health literacy. I would assume talking to your medical provider is implied.

A pap is standard. An HPV test is not.

Bambi's dad absolutely does not. Grown up Simba maybe comes close. I'm assuming you have never seen Robin Hood because that's the only excuse for such an ignorant comment.

It might be because you've had an abnormal one. I've never worked at a clinic or hosptial that does that but, admittedly, mine are usually resource strapped. It is not part of the standard tests, however. Many people walk out assuming that they were tested for all of the STDs but in reality the typical bill of

No problem, glad I could help. Knowledge is power, etc.

They do a blood test for the actual virus? I've never heard of a doctor doing that as part of a standard procedure but I guess everything is bound to have exceptions (and I guarantee that because I said that 300 people will now stop by to announce that theirs dose). There wouldn't really be any point in knowing